Does it hurt my plants to move them around?


for instance: I have a 1000w HPS in my flower room. I don't have the cash for a separate balast and hood so for now I'm using six 4' 40w mixed spectrum flourescents for the plants I have in 18hr veg. Is it cool to move the younger plants from veg into the flower room during thier daily light cycle to share the 1000wHPS. It would seem the extra light would make them grow better during the day than leaving them under the plain old flourescents. But I'm no "Grow Genius"! can this cause shock for the plants? Ideas?????


Well-Known Member
moving your plants around is fine. i turn mine everyday. constantly moving some away to get at others that need watering. shadowdarker could be right, if your vegging plants are quite small.


bud bootlegger
yah.. i agree with everyone else, but only if your plants are pretty small. if they are, just keep them as far away from the 1k lamp as you can.. and its good to move them around, not just to different rooms like your talking about, but turning them or moving them so that one doesn't get more light then another one is always a good thing.. stops you from having that one plant that is a wall plant.. which i always hate..