Does God get a fail in the love category?

Greatest I am

Active Member
Does God get a fail in the love category?

All will agree that in loving someone, that love must be shown in works, deeds and actions. This allows for reciprocity which is what makes what would be a one way corrupted love a true two way love.

Believers see God as the greatest lover of mankind yet he does no works or deeds to show us that he loves us.

Love, like faith, without works and deeds is dead. That’s scripture. Love, to be true love, must be shown by works, deeds and actions. The fact that God does not show his love by works, deeds and actions at a personal or collective level means that God does not love us. Some are going to point to the notion that God created them but remember that that is not a provable claim so please do not offer it. Remember that way too high of a percentage of us are born with defects.

Do you believe that God loves us?

Why or why not?


God is also said to love us unconditionally. Yet if we do not love, honor, obey and believe in him, we are condemned and punished. Those are all conditions we must meet to get his love returned to us.

Does God love us unconditionally?


Love and morals developed to enhance interaction and living within groups of people and perhaps other entities.
God was alone and did not need to develop morals and could not love anyone because he was alone for untold millennia.

Is God even able to love?

Does God get a fail in the love category?

All will agree that in loving someone, that love must be shown in works, deeds and actions. This allows for reciprocity which is what makes what would be a one way corrupted love a true two way love.

Believers see God as the greatest lover of mankind yet he does no works or deeds to show us that he loves us.

Love, like faith, without works and deeds is dead. That’s scripture. Love, to be true love, must be shown by works, deeds and actions. The fact that God does not show his love by works, deeds and actions at a personal or collective level means that God does not love us. Some are going to point to the notion that God created them but remember that that is not a provable claim so please do not offer it. Remember that way too high of a percentage of us are born with defects.

Do you believe that God loves us?

Why or why not?


God is also said to love us unconditionally. Yet if we do not love, honor, obey and believe in him, we are condemned and punished. Those are all conditions we must meet to get his love returned to us.

Does God love us unconditionally?


Love and morals developed to enhance interaction and living within groups of people and perhaps other entities.
God was alone and did not need to develop morals and could not love anyone because he was alone for untold millennia.

Is God even able to love?


That's a false dichotomy. Those aren't the only two options.

God not existing would make the most sense, with the least amount of assumptions.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

For God so loved the world.... Forget the flood and genocide.

that he gave his one and only Son.... He sacrificed himself to himself. For shit he made up Himself.

that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.... And if you don't believe you can burn in Hell for eternity. Hitler, believed in God, Heaven. Ghandi, didn't believe in God, Hell.

I love you, but you won't believe in stuff I won't give you any evidence for, so I have to send you to hell. It's all your fault.
Ok I had to listen to some music , the devils of course , before I put my two sense in .. Threads like this are redundant and pointless as this used to be a Cannabis forum .
God gave us an awesome planet to live on. I am thankful for such a loving act! Everything I've ever experienced with my five senses and beyond was given to me by the all-that-is. All of the situations in my life, the good bad and in-between, everything that has made me who I am and given me to opportunities to better myself and the world around me...given with unconditional love.

The belief that we must be punished comes from religion. Religions aren't God, they just sell their own versions of it to those willing to pay mind and money.
God gave us an awesome planet to live on. I am thankful for such a loving act! Everything I've ever experienced with my five senses and beyond was given to me by the all-that-is. All of the situations in my life, the good bad and in-between, everything that has made me who I am and given me to opportunities to better myself and the world around me...given with unconditional love.

The belief that we must be punished comes from religion. Religions aren't God, they just sell their own versions of it to those willing to pay mind and money.

Are you not giving God credit for creating the earth withoutany real evidence and only on hearsay or book say?
While at the same time, it looks like you are cherry pickingthe same book?
How do you decide what to use or not?

If true love needs reciprocity, what can you possibly givean absentee God?


"without real evidence".

Would anyone be on earth without the act of sex? Everything beyond that act is an unknown to a newborn or a 100 year old. There is a condition to experiencing the universe and that is sex. So, what was before sex? Where did the energies that are required for sex / procreation come from? "Coupling" is the way of things seen and unseen.

Are you not giving God credit for creating the earth withoutany real evidence and only on hearsay or book say?
While at the same time, it looks like you are cherry pickingthe same book?
How do you decide what to use or not?

If true love needs reciprocity, what can you possibly givean absentee God?


"Real" evidence is quite subjective actually. In my eyes, the evidence is real; it is proven through actions and re-actions throughout my daily life.

If you are talking about the bible, I don't believe in it's validity at all. In my eyes, it is the very deception that it speaks about. The 'enemy' as it says...well the truth is, the 'enemy' had a hand in writing it.

To god I give the experiences and information gathered in this lifetime, and I give it faithfully and fully. I give thanks every day for my life and everything in it. I give my triumphs and shortcomings, and all is accepted by the 'absentee' as you say. There is no absence in my life, and I am extremely grateful for that.

If we open our hearts and minds to this force, it will sculpt us with mastery and precision, unmatched by any other force. The same force that sculpts and guides the planets in their rotations in space can/will/wants to join your life and fill it with love and greatness.
"without real evidence".

Would anyone be on earth without the act of sex? Everything beyond that act is an unknown to a newborn or a 100 year old. There is a condition to experiencing the universe and that is sex. So, what was before sex? Where did the energies that are required for sex / procreation come from? "Coupling" is the way of things seen and unseen.

Your cause and effect begs the question of what effect causeanything to be including God.

Off topic but the answer is that we do not know and may never know. Both science and religion put anything before the big bang as unknowable. I agree with them.

"Real" evidence is quite subjective actually. In my eyes, the evidence is real; it is proven through actions and re-actions throughout my daily life.

If you are talking about the bible, I don't believe in it's validity at all. In my eyes, it is the very deception that it speaks about. The 'enemy' as it says...well the truth is, the 'enemy' had a hand in writing it.

To god I give the experiences and information gathered in this lifetime, and I give it faithfully and fully. I give thanks every day for my life and everything in it. I give my triumphs and shortcomings, and all is accepted by the 'absentee' as you say. There is no absence in my life, and I am extremely grateful for that.

If we open our hearts and minds to this force, it will sculpt us with mastery and precision, unmatched by any other force. The same force that sculpts and guides the planets in their rotations in space can/will/wants to join your life and fill it with love and greatness.

Thanks for sharing your, eh, --- evidence, if that word can even be applied here, which I doubt.

If I told you what you told me and I was speaking of Allah,would you believe me and what makes you think anyone here would be swayed to believe me?

Thanks for sharing your, eh, --- evidence, if that word can even be applied here, which I doubt.

If I told you what you told me and I was speaking of Allah,would you believe me and what makes you think anyone here would be swayed to believe me?


Indeed you don't have to call my response evidence. I'm unsure if people would be swayed by the information put forth, but I am not concerned with that; Just giving god a high marking in the way of showing love. I feel it every day, and I wish you all the same.
Indeed you don't have to call my response evidence. I'm unsure if people would be swayed by the information put forth, but I am not concerned with that; Just giving god a high marking in the way of showing love. I feel it every day, and I wish you all the same.
I recall someone else saying that before the great flood. Hewas talking to children and babies. All they could reply was glub, glub, glubas they drowned.

God, "fucking with your shit" has never demonstrably happened, to anyone, ever.

If God has ever 'intervened' in any way, it was in such a manner that could easily be explained by a natural phenomenon. In other words, very unremarkable.

For a book that tells the tale of a vengeful, jealous, petty god who smites people and performs miracles, he's been pretty quiet since the invention of cameras.....

It must have been scary living in a time when god wasn't camera shy....
All mythological constructs are camera shy.
They all want the applaud and adoration but never show up totake a bow.
