Does anything work to increase Potency?

Yea, I dont understand why someone would use dangerous acids as a ph down when there's so many safer food grade available options.
It's safe when used as intended, does the job, and costs almost nothing. But, other than that, I can't think of a single reason.
Nothing if you are knowledgeable about the various breeders and know what you’re looking at. If you don’t it’s far better to go with some place like JBC.

Little know fact, seedsman were at one point selling stock of some strains that skunkman sam had made himself, so the exact seed sam made were being sold. Seedsman arnt really a breeder, but they have direct contact with breeders, an some of those breeders have been around a very long time.
Little know fact, seedsman were at one point selling stock of some strains that skunkman sam had made himself, so the exact seed sam made were being sold. Seedsman arnt really a breeder, but they have direct contact with breeders, an some of those breeders have been around a very long time.
I’m aware of how they work. Not just Seedsman either.
The better question to answer is: What kills potency in Cannabis?

A. Heat
B. High Humidity
C. Drying practices
D. Genetics

Basically even if you have the best genetics in the world, they still have to be grown to their ultimate potential. A good grower can take a Seedsman seed and produce high quality cannabis. An inexperienced/uneducated grower can turn top genetics into hay fairly easy.

Put your money and efforts into perfecting your environment and thereafter any plant you put into it will shine. Then it's all about finding the genetics that suit you.
So cold and dry. With good genetics.

The studies show this as well.
Most of those “ cannabis “ specific nutrients are nothing more than glammed up tomato food.

No other plant on earth needs 20 cartoon bottles or complicated “ feed “ schedules.

You can run most indoor setups on a standard 4-4-4 / 5-5-5 fertilizer…… literally. Most bagged medium ( soils ) are already precharged with nutrients and need only water .

There are simple ( 1 / 2 / 3 part ) nute lines out there to run your grows completely . With nothing else.
Just out of the random i need to vent about tomato feed. Our average tomato feed sucks in Aus lol...nothing like what I see quoted here for tomatoes.

The majority of tomato and herb feeds here are like 14:1:7 or similar. Almost double, or more than double N vs K.

I just stick to the magic 3:1:3 full run lately and seem to have little issues.