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I love video games and I'm an Xbox 360 gamer. So wouldn't a better substitution of a Psp or ps vita be a hand held Xbox 360? Of course it would... Iv seen fake videos and pictures on the Internet and YouTube and I was very interested in the whole idea... I know a lot of people battle over ps3 vs Xbox 360 and it's all a opinion battle and my opinion is Xbox 360... It has better games (gears of war,halo mainly) that the ps3 don't have... The online chat is better (which i can't really see Xbox live being on the hand held device) and its all around my favorite system... The only Percs I give the ps3 is the blu ray player and better graphics... So my question is do you think there will be an Xbox 360 hand held device? And if there is any one who knows if there is one in the making let me know... Here's a video of how I got the topic started