Does anybody dry in the same room they grow?


Well-Known Member
Obviously this is not recommended for numerous reasons but there's got to be someone out there that does. Anybody? If so, how? Any tips?

My grow isn't necessarily "stealth", but people who come over have no idea it's there because the room is locked and there are no signs. I don't have another room for drying, but I should have enough space in my grow room. I also have a dehumidifier too.
Yes, I do. But i don't have it drying while a grow is going on. Once a grow is done I hang everything in the room it grew. In darkness of course.


Well-Known Member
It would be while growing. I'm thinking I could just put up some black plastic to block off light and just keep humidity low. Do you see any potential problems with this? I don't want to lose anything.


Well-Known Member
Its what I do, blocked off a spot in my flower room cause I need to use the carbon filter for the smell, I have lots of air movement far I've had no issues.


Well-Known Member
If you can avoid any light touching your hanging buds you should be fine. I wondered what the heck people do as well my first chop, once i smelled how ridiculously strong the odor can get when your hanging, chopping fresh, ripe bud. i had to actually chop some early becasue i had nowwhere but the grow room to put them. Just remember light destroys thc, and HID light i coudl imagine it doing some damage unless you block it off perfectly. Good luck