does any body know where I can contact grassomatic


Active Member
been trying to contact grassomatic for a while now and the only website I can find is a .com but uoi cant access the site without a user name. How do they do business without a way to contact them lol:sad:


Well-Known Member
Im not sure, I found that site also when I was looking for some contact information. Regardless with this last big promo attitude had I ordered a pack of the grassomatic gOm, auto critical+ x auto ak, Im going to be comparing it to joint doctors easy ryder which so far is the best auto Ive grown quality wise, averaged about 40-50g per plant, had two that were just over 80 g, had 11 total easy ryder, 1 of each nirvana autos, flower power, 3 purple jems. The auto jock horror is looking like its going to be some great smoke, although I'll be lucky to get 20g, prob more like 15 or so, which is fine, they cant all be as big as the auto ak's. This was/is my first go around with autos, Ive only harvested the joint doc's auto ak's and the purple jems, and Im very pleased with both, surprised at the quality of both. I just put 6 more ak's outside after being under 1000w MH for 3 weeks so we'll see how the outdoors compares to the indoor. I used 18/6 cycle throughout the grow, I have all the auto's in my room I veg all regular plants, with 1000w MH & 1000w HPS, used mixed ocean forest with promix, black gold, bonemeal and a tiny bit of dolo lime, all in 3 or 5gl pots. Im preparing to build another small room to start up my own experimental breeding program, I cant wait to get started and take it to another level. Im rambling, but I'll let everyone know how these grassomatic auto's grow, I should be recieving them here in about a week, Im hoping with the critical cross that maybe I can get close to a 100g plant, I doubt it but gotta shoot for the stars, right? Take Care E1, Peace!