"Documenting Hate" on Fresh Air

too larry

Well-Known Member
From today's Fresh Air:


This is FRESH AIR. I'm Dave Davies in for Terry Gross, who's off this week. The rage and violence that marked the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., a year ago was to many an alarming sign of the growth of militant white power organizations in America. There were violent street clashes. And one woman was killed when a young man drove a car into a crowd of anti-racist protesters.

Our guest journalist, A.C. Thompson, was in Charlottesville that day and has been reporting on hate groups for more than a year. He's followed up on white power groups that were in Charlottesville and has identified individual members who engaged in the violence, including one active duty marine. A.C. Thompson is a correspondent for "Frontline" PBS and a staff reporter for ProPublica. His stories, which often focus on the criminal justice system, helped lead to the exoneration of two San Francisco men sentenced to life in prison and the prosecution of seven New Orleans police officers after Hurricane Katrina. Thompson's reporting is featured in a "Frontline" and ProPublica joint investigation "Documenting Hate: Charlottesville," which premieres Tuesday night on PBS stations.


I just heard bits of it on the way to work, but an interesting interview. I would have posted earlier, but it took them a while to get today's show up. It's worth the time to listen or read.
Portland IS a tinderbox
I had lots of stops on the way to work, so only heard parts of it, but they try to find the most liberal cities to rally at. To get the biggest bang for their buck. Would be nice if no one showed up to protest. Only the press to show how small the crowd was.
I did catch the part about how all the early leaders of the American Nazi Party were all killed by other members of the ANP.
I had lots of stops on the way to work, so only heard parts of it, but they try to find the most liberal cities to rally at. To get the biggest bang for their buck. Would be nice if no one showed up to protest. Only the press to show how small the crowd was.

I read the full transcript
No mention of Antifa? Even the uber-radical Saul Alinsky would consider them no better than The Weather Underground. Hate comes on both sides, to think otherwise is rather naive and childish.
No mention of Antifa? Even the uber-radical Saul Alinsky would consider them no better than The Weather Underground. Hate comes on both sides, to think otherwise is rather naive and childish.
To hate the haters and fight back is still hate, I guess, but antifa gets a pass when it comes to fighting fascism IMO. Although it’s not the method I would promote to fight back, it does have its merits in some ways.