Do you think trying drugs early fucked you up?

Do you think doing drugs early fucked you up?

  • Yes, I'm fucked

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I feel fine

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • N/A because I was a good kid and not a fuck up like you neo.

    Votes: 8 19.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Minne asked in Random Jibber Jabber if anyone still takes the occasional trip and it got me thinking, "Man, I probably ate way more acid than a 16 year old should eat". I don't think I'm damaged or anything but I can't help but think that I altered my still-developing mind alittle bit. It may just be my perspective that's been altered. But I think it's both. This Blue Widow is altering my perspective right now. Anyone care to input? Quick before I get too high to respond!!!


New Member
don't ask me,I started eating acid in seventh grade and yes,during school.During in school suspension was the best

btw- i voted no


Well-Known Member
Yes, acid in school, walking to the water tower after and getting high, running when we saw the police headlights driving up. Check.


Well-Known Member
I don't think psychedelic drugs fucked me up. It was when I started dabbling with painkillers that the shit rolled downhill pretty quick... Which I was still way too young. But I can't tell if this thread is specifically talking about psychedelics, or just any drugs. Being full blown addicted to oxy by the time I turned 17 has been a deterrent. I don't feel like I took too much acid or shrooms or things like that, and feel that they always have had a positive impact on me. And luckily I've put all the hard/addicting drugs behind me, and hopefully never go back. I don't really regret anything, because I've learned from it all.... but I could probably be way better off in life.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man drugs in general no wrong answers, for me those drugs were hallucinogens. Never did fuck with opiates much.


Well-Known Member
I still voted no because I feel like I needed to get that crap out of the way and learn through experience... But they probably fucked me up slightly. Not as bad as all these people that were raised on Mcdonalds and Burger King though jeesh.:eyesmoke:


New Member
Yeah man drugs in general no wrong answers, for me those drugs were hallucinogens. Never did fuck with opiates much.

opiates always have been my thing.Where I live now the only option for non fake drugs is pills.I've been doing the "MMT" thing for awhile now.It works for me


Active Member
Although it was a contributing factor, psychedelics at a young age were the LEAST of many things that lead to me being a particularly Mal-adjusted individual.
At least I'm perceptive my perversions. That counts for something, i suppose.
Though once when we were young we gave this kid Mikey like 3-4 hits of really clean blotter for his first trip. This was some GDF shit.
He really didn't know what to do with himself... And after what felt like ages, we finally were able to coalesce a rational though about returning and boarded the subway to do so.
And on the subway home we all cam down... But Mikey didn't. For some reason he was still peaking, and continued to do so for a while.
And the next day at school he was a bit, shall we say, off. And the next day. We broke Mikey, he wasn't right for weeks.
And even after that, kid was a bit off. So for some people, I can definitely see how it could fuck a person up, long term.


Well-Known Member
opiates always have been my thing.Where I live now the only option for non fake drugs is pills.I've been doing the "MMT" thing for awhile now.It works for me
[h=1]MMT[/h] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Ok, I gotcha now. Yeah, I knew some folks that went that route. Good luck man.

be ez

Well-Known Member
I feel conflicted as to whether it was drugs starting in high school or just natural changes through adolescence that account for the changes I saw in myself and other people I knew over that time period.

be ez

Well-Known Member
All I can say is I did my part in keeping my pot dealers pockets filled throughout highschool and I don't think it did me any better


bud bootlegger
Ok, I gotcha now. Yeah, I knew some folks that went that route. Good luck man.
mmt in slow's usage i think refers to methadone maintenance treatment neo..

i'm in the same boat, only way i knew it, lol.. i'm down to 15mg's a day, trying to get off completely after 12 years now..


Well-Known Member
I drank my first beer when I was 8.

I drank my first shot of whiskey when I was 8.

I smoked my first cigarette when I was 11.

I smoked my first joint when I was 12.

I tripped on mushrooms the first time when I was 16.

I tried ecstacy for the first time when I was 17.

I did coke for the firs time when I was 19.

I tripped on acid for the first time when I was 20.

I had 31 shots of liquor for my 21st birthday. I passed out half naked on my friend's front lawn.

Now I just drink and smoke pot. Good times.


Staff member
yesi used to be a drug addict i believe the amount of drugs like cocaine, heroine, ect did somehow alter my health in some way

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
This question is just too diverse and complex to really give an accurate statement..
It's pretty much all opinion in this case. Some individuals are more conscience then other's at different stages in their life's.
