Do you think rep should be public?

Should +REp be public?

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Well-Known Member
i was thinking about rep and how it can be misleading, so i think rep points earned should be public so people can see where your rep came from and for what. almost all of my rep is from advice but i know there is a lot of people running around here with full rep bars but all from bullshit and friends. i also think mods should be able to modify rep points and take points from you if they are not grow related(rep for pics and funny things are fine, but rep for just being in a thread for that purpose should be eliminated)

think nuglets what a joke. they deleted your rep points! you didnt deserve them anyone can make a thread for rep and get tons of rep, but you would have to delete tons of threads too get rid of my rep like that.(another note i dont PC was NUgglets fyi people but thats not the dabate for this thread)

SO DO YOU think rep points should be public?
i think....who cares? i dont look at my own rep let alone other peoples. im not on this site for rep...

+REP :p
not really made public, but maybe biased so that one would get more rep points for posting info in the grow section of the site and one would get only a % of that for posting in the tnt section, or something along those lines seems about right to me..
but what do i know??
not really made public, but maybe biased so that one would get more rep points for posting info in the grow section of the site and one would get only a % of that for posting in the tnt section, or something along those lines seems about right to me..
but what do i know??

i think your on to something there!!!!!!
My rep has nothing to do with you :)

Rep on internet forums is meaningless, not to mention the notion of giving someone rep has nothing to do with cannabis or helping someone. If someone posts a video or a picture i find overly amusing, i will rep them, reputation for posting something that makes me laugh. Oh the crime, the inhumanity. So sue me.
if i saw ten reps on your page helping people i would be more inclined to listen to your advice then someone who has rep for pics or bullshiting with another user. anyways im not gonna drive this thread got other things to do ill just see where this goes.
Which means you would also have to regulate who gives rep for grow advice. There are far too many noobs who don't take 2 seconds to compare advice with what other have to say and just rep away and take said advice regardless of the accuracy, they know no better. The number of threads i have read where a new user supposedly reps someone for what is plain incorrect information is rather amusing. This is just me though, i do not take one mans word at face value no matter what kind of post count or reputation he has be it in the rep form of reputation of the subcool form of reputation. I will cross reference the advice given to me and see what the consensus is.

As i say, it is internet rep, taking it seriously is like judging what kind of person someone is by the number of friends they have on facebook. The rep system will never ben what you are after, so you either need to design an alternative, or get over it. Just my two pence :)
My rep has nothing to do with you :)

Rep on internet forums is meaningless, not to mention the notion of giving someone rep has nothing to do with cannabis or helping someone. If someone posts a video or a picture i find overly amusing, i will rep them, reputation for posting something that makes me laugh. Oh the crime, the inhumanity. So sue me.
thats what i feel the like buttons for, but however u like to do it is fine, if i find something funny, or connect with another post in some way, i hit the like button, but if i hear good info, or nice pics showing me what the growers made of i hit rep. and if theres some douchebags making a rep thread, anyone who goes there is obviously a newb craving online rep cuz there so low on the chain, and regardless i feel most of us know when someones a rep whore and that turns u off to giv them rep. and i can guarentee, no newb has become a veteran from a rep thread, sure theyll get some from their fellow douche friends also craving rep but not a significant amount, u want rep, give useful info, and post pics, proving urself, imo most rep is earned from pics. and i mean who cares, say they have a high rep on here, it doesnt mean shit if they cant grow bc surely its gonna come out of the wood works through misinformation, and posts that are clearly bullshit and not true, that they dnt know much.
i don't think it matters. you should get rep for cool things and stories you share in toke and talk as well. i think it evens its way out in the end most of the times. if you give really good advice in the grow section one of the mods will probably see it and give you rep anyway and their rep usually counts for more points. if you take someones advice just because they have a lot of rep then you probably aren't too smart anyway.
i agree seeing large rep counts doesn't mean a thing but they did get rep. but what for BS or real info? seeing this might actually give the rep system some legitimacy.

and your right newbs be repping away, maybe a buffer for them? but i think they have a system in effect for that anyways.
newb rep doesn't give any points really. usually the people who have a lot of rep to give are the ones who actually make you work for it. i think you need 100 rep points before your rep actually counts for anything anyway. plus even if you have 500 rep points your rep is only worth like 5 points.
I got rep for my first post in this thread. It was not BS, it was relevant and real information that had absolutely nothing to do with cannabis or the growing of cannabis. Now what? It a far site easier just to ignore rep as any form of gague for someones ability to grow and just check the advice that you are given. It's not hard to weed out bullshit when you google someones advice and find the whole internet saying otherwise. I'm genuinely trying to work out if there is something else to this other than simply rep with regard to cannabis info. Seems awfully important to you.

I don't know how the point fo rep work, what they mean, nowt, it is meaningless, rep is a system for someone to tell me they appreciated my post in a manner more meaningful than the simple click of a like button. With rep i get to leave them a little personal thankyou as well :)