Do you think indoor plants know its winter?

I swear cuts I've ran for years always flower slower, between Dec and MARCHish in the same controlled environment as the rest of the year .same finished product . Sometimes up to 2 weeks longer.

From what I can research outside c02 is higher in winter months.

Anyone else experience this phenomena.
Like I said , I control the environment to the same specs all year.

Unless you think maybe cold radiates off the walls in general no matter if it's same Temps or not. It's a fairly new house only a little over 10 years old so I can't say I ever feel the insulation lacking.
Like I said , I control the environment to the same specs all year.

Unless you think maybe cold radiates off the walls in general no matter if it's same Temps or not. It's a fairly new house only a little over 10 years old so I can't say I ever feel the insulation lacking.

So whats your humidity %?
With decent frost temperatures like -15 -20c after the air has been heated to regular room temp, there could be as little as 10-20% relative humidity.
My grow room brings upstairs living room humidity up to 40%, which is what I like and my plants like.
Also the heat is used nicely as ambient heat and recovered before it is pushed outside.
So I like winter growing :)
But yes, humidity levels could be significantly different from summer levels even if you have temp controlled.

As for CO2 I reckon the outside difference is pretty small and bigger difference is when the grow room is near living quarters (getting CO2 from humans). This could again lead to your AC setup depending on how it is tuned(humidity/co2 etc).
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i've read books about lunar cycles and gravitational pull, and authors pointed out that cultures throughout time have planted, harvested, propagated, fertilized plants based on waxing/waning/full/new moons. and then obviously during winter months there are other factors in play wrt the position of the earth in relation to the sun... i think it's possible, in fact highly likely, that there are patterns and cycles that all plants follow that we will never know about since we are a completely different kingdom of creatures. i actually quite like that.
i've read books about lunar cycles and gravitational pull, and authors pointed out that cultures throughout time have planted, harvested, propagated, fertilized plants based on waxing/waning/full/new moons. and then obviously during winter months there are other factors in play wrt the position of the earth in relation to the sun... i think it's possible, in fact highly likely, that there are patterns and cycles that all plants follow that we will never know about since we are a completely different kingdom of creatures. i actually quite like that.

Now this is the groovy stuff I was looking for thank you.
I swear cuts I've ran for years always flower slower, between Dec and MARCHish in the same controlled environment as the rest of the year .same finished product . Sometimes up to 2 weeks longer.

From what I can research outside c02 is higher in winter months.

Anyone else experience this phenomena.
Nope not at all you are there life line you tell them when it’s winter you probably just need to higher the temperature in the grow space
I knew an old time grower that SWORE I would never be able germinate seeds in the winter because the seeds would "know" it was not time... needless to say, this is incorrect lol
I really respect the guys opinion on most things but this one... made me question one of my role models at a young age.. like wait... wut?
Can a plant ‘know’ anything? To know something implies the ability to think. The way a plant thinks compared to how i think is something i think i’m not capable of thinking about. I think.
Thinking doesn't require conscious thought. Most processes in the human body are done chemically without thought. Plants don't think, but they definitely react. After my heart transplant, I have no connection from my brain to the new heart. Electrically anyways. I had to train my body to function using only chemical messages to the new unit. I think that's how plants think. Hormones and chemicals.

You know those lady talk to each other in there.

Plant 1: morning Carol
Plant 2: morning Mary Jane
Plant 1: cold one out there today, huh hun?
Plant 2: yah you betcha. Feel the breeze right through the laves dontcha know!
Plant 1: yaaah
Plant 2: yaaaaaah