Do you smoke it?


Active Member
It's ur first grow right? Originally I came from a blue state but now apparently I am in a very red state, not to be political but the cannabis laws are ridiculous compared to where I lived most of my life in da Northeast.
So I have a question.
Can u get somewhat decent buds from a short plant.
Is it worth the whole experience smoking something u raised from a seed?
I ask this because 1 plant in this state is a class E felony.
I feel like I committed to following this through. Point of no return. Oh it's ur first 3 females. Closest legal Marijuana State is a 6 hr drive one way.
Can't just ditch'em right?
Enlighten me pleaze
Welcome Attacking TucanzJr. !

You can grow better product than you can buy from a dispensary. I am in New York where it is now legal to smoke and possess small amounts but not to grow any yet. So I have always been an outlaw since a young teenager growing my own because I see nothing the matter with it and sad to see this miracle plant demonized by government greed throughout my lifetime. Since weed is illegal to grow have always lived with a bit of paranoia as to getting busted. Have 15 plants 3 weeks into flower in the backyard and living the city so taking somewhat of a risk. Our city's DA lets arrested violent criminals out but wonder what would happen to me if they got me with 30 to 50 lb of wet weight pot.

Have never grown indoors and the shortest outdoor plant I have had would be around 7 ft and the tallest about 11 ft. If you look at other members journals you will see many short plants with gigantic frosted buds and you can do this too, just start small and keep it simple.
Yup I'm from Long Island. 38 years then I moved to San Antonio. Cool city but just as red as TN. Totally opposite. Huh..... New York got crazy expensive. Good times.
Going back to my plants. When I meant short u have to remember these are the first time. So basically my crash course was these forums.
It's the whole 3 stages. I think I got the veg stage and flower stage confused. They gotta be tripping out trying to do the 12/12. I mean how long can a plant take to to grow in 5 gallon pots outside. They are in complete darkness for 12 hours with fans. So I'm waiting for that boost they are suppose to get and I think it's going but really slow. Im pretty sure they are Sativa's. Read it could take a few month but don't know.
They have the law written here so if you have 10 plants or less the charges are exactly the same. so why not go for 10 right.
If somehow I get buds which I should I'm gunna smoke them but if it takes another 3 months I will have to ponder a different thought.
Hey so in NY now are regs off the street any comparison to a could have been worse, could have been better homegrown.
I'm pretty sure u would just get fined especially if u have a clean record. NYC has more to deal with than somebody with plants but u never know. Every cop is different. Lot of paperwork. They need room for the evidence.... Never got trees in da city even though it was a 40 min drive Mainly raves and all the things that went along with them. That was back in the mid 90's before it went mainstream. The Tunnel, Roselands, the limelight... Got my trees in Suffolk, sometimes da Hamptons. Went to college upstate back in da 90's. They had beautiful greens especially up north by Canada. For some reason the upstaters thing Long Island is the city. I'll be up there this winter. It's been a few years.
Hey, do u trim the big fan leaves off a cannabis plant that wasn't topped. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be shaping. I think they are in their 3rd week of flowering. I think at least one of my 3 will make it.
Wat gets confusing is trying to find what are acceptable growing pots sizes. If a 3gal pot would show decent amounts according to it's size.
I need advice. Lifelong smoker, first time growing. So I got these seedling a little late around mid July. They started really flowering early Sept. Did the 12/12. They are not the tallest because my 6 week crash course in growing was from these threads. So they are kinda short but I have them in a 3 gallon 5 gallon, and I think 4 gallon. They are short but budding very nice and seem to be covered in buds. So besides possibly stunted their growth I figured out the nutrient recipes and pH has been 6.7 thought flowering. Leaves look healthy. Thinking it may be a sativa. Weather down south has been pretty good with getting the 12/12. Think last rain was 22 days ago. Started to go 10/14 cause season change. I keep them outside but this week have been putting them inside cause temp drops to 45. During the day avg 75 and mostly sunny everyday.
I'm assuming I'm in the 4th week of flowering but that's a guess by comparing other pics of buds in flowering stage. Not sure how much longer it will take to harvest. Do I leave them outside at night even though it started to drop to mid 40's? Are these buds going to be a decent smoke? I can post pics of the buds. Can u tell by sativa or indica and wat the bud looks like to know it looks like it may be a good smoke. Not looking for high yield (yet). Will they harvest in time if I have 3 weeks left which I'm not really sure could be shorter.
I need advice. Lifelong smoker, first time growing. So I got these seedling a little late around mid July. They started really flowering early Sept. Did the 12/12. They are not the tallest because my 6 week crash course in growing was from these threads. So they are kinda short but I have them in a 3 gallon 5 gallon, and I think 4 gallon. They are short but budding very nice and seem to be covered in buds. So besides possibly stunted their growth I figured out the nutrient recipes and pH has been 6.7 thought flowering. Leaves look healthy. Thinking it may be a sativa. Weather down south has been pretty good with getting the 12/12. Think last rain was 22 days ago. Started to go 10/14 cause season change. I keep them outside but this week have been putting them inside cause temp drops to 45. During the day avg 75 and mostly sunny everyday.
I'm assuming I'm in the 4th week of flowering but that's a guess by comparing other pics of buds in flowering stage. Not sure how much longer it will take to harvest. Do I leave them outside at night even though it started to drop to mid 40's? Are these buds going to be a decent smoke? I can post pics of the buds. Can u tell by sativa or indica and wat the bud looks like to know it looks like it may be a good smoke. Not looking for high yield (yet). Will they harvest in time if I have 3 weeks left which I'm not really sure could be shorter.
This is more sativa dominant. The leaves are a lot thinner. I’ve seen thinner leaves, so this is a hybrid as well most likely. CA18B41F-1ADF-48A1-865A-4C1915B2DF15.jpeg
This is more of a 50/50 hybrid. Leaves are a little fatter.
Indica can throw even thicker leaf blades.


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Yea those are nice. I prob should post a pik. My leaves are confused. Messed up their sleeping schedules just a few days and i have my 7 leaves went to 5 then 3. Poor gals. I will show the buds. I'm not an expert but I think they look pretty good. The size of plant is a little off but it keeps growing these buds.
Not as impressive as most others. Should be able to get a better start next season.
How would I be able to get seeds in tn. Do I have to go to a different state?
The fan leaves did get back to 7
Plant looks healthy. The 3 leaves was your plant saying it was confused. They do that when its trying to reveg itself. Bringing outside plant indoors is risky behavior.
Also u said u messed up light schedule with 12/12 during veg. Do u have lights? I'm confused. Or are u saying u were taking em outside for 12hrs a day?
Outside. Just starting this week I take them in only at night cause it's been dropping to 45. I don't know if the cold speeds up the process. The weather has been mainly sunny for the past 2 months.Didnt want to switch them from sunlight to bulb. Hoping they finish up before the weather gets too cold at night