Do you sample?


Active Member
Throughout flowering and toward the end, do you sample your plant to see how things are going? If so, when do you cut a sample?

As a followup, do you think it is bad for the plant to be cutting on it throughout parts of flowering period? Does this slow growth or cause any noticeable change in end product?


Well-Known Member
I honestly see no point in sampling bud while the plant is still growing. If you're watching your trichs you should know what type of high you will get. It's better just to wait until you chop the plant and dry it first. I wouldnt even sample until the cola's are dried; gotta get the chlorophyll out. Then technically you should cure for a few weeks before you smoke, but I think most smoke some and cure the rest.

BTW, the smoke (if taken early off the plant) will taste terrible, give you a headrush/headache high, and just put you in a bad mood about your plant :( Not worth it.


Well-Known Member
people, like me, chop their plants all up. lots of people remove the lower leaves and stems to let light get through the canopy. sure you can sample but your sample wont be cured liked purple said and might be harsh.


Active Member
I have to confess that this being my first grow, I sampled (using the vaporizer so no drying was needed) at two weeks and just now at four. While I know this is very early I am trying to get a feel for the way the high progresses as the plant goes through flower. It did taste a lot like chlorophyll both times but I can tell that the taste and high have changed a bit, becoming a slight bit better. I will likely sample again at six weeks and then let the trichs decide when I actually chop for real. I have always taken buds from the bottom that were on the smaller side, thinking that this would damage the plant the least and also give me a lower end reading of the high. Is this absolutely horrible for my plants?


Well-Known Member
I think it's more a matter of preference, but the way I look at it, what I don't harvest early will grow larger (assuming I am looking at the signs to tell when ripe). I'd rather forgo smoking now for a better and larger harvest later. You can tell when it's ready to harvest visually. I'm not sure how a sample would change anything in your growing, so unless your desperate the drawbacks seem to overwhelm the lack of benefits to me.


Well-Known Member
Besides the fact that the trichomes need to cure and go through a chemical change to become psychoactive so they can get you high the chlorophyll makes it taste like lawn clippings.

So, no. I don't sample


Well-Known Member
on a couple plants i purposely leave bottom branches on to ''sample'' i know its not kosher but if i have none gotta do what i gotta do i got it down to a science with the microwave where it still has flavor and taste and gets you blown its just for me so its all good, i never saw any ill effects from it in the plant and i only do it with a few growers privilege i call it lol


Active Member
i sample tiny bits here and there, i let them dry first, either under a magnifying glass outside for a couple days, or in a ceramic small bowl sitting on top of an ac adapter for a few days, turning every now and then...

latest sample was from my thai plant @ 11 weeks, let it dry for 3 days, man it is a bit chlorophyll-ish but not much, mostly smooth, amazing taste and the high is WOW...can only imagine what it's going to be like when it's done, sampling gets you all excited and amped up for the plants =)