Do you get pets stoned?


Well-Known Member
I just thought this would make for a funny topic :P. Talk about things like How you get them stoned and what they do when stoned.:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I used to, but they never pitch in on a bag.

I'm starting to think that they are a bunch of chiselers.
I do but I don't force it on them, my one cat doesn't like it my dog doesn't but the black cat, he loves it. He'll see me hitting my bong so he'll come and sit beside me and I'll blow the smoke lightly over his face then he goes and perches himself somewhere and just sits there zoning out, pretty funny to me actually.


Well-Known Member
only if they get in the habit of asking for it . . . . most animals don't care for it. but I have seen a few that literally love it and every time you click on the vape or flick a lighter they'll show up.

monty Python

Active Member
Good q Eps. Ive often wondered that too but always forgot to ask. I suppose we may never know. My dog sleeps like fuck, but thats what dogs do best. So i think hed sleep just as much if i didnt puff.

Is it possible to get high with passive smoke ?

Like ive heard a few people saying 'i got high just sitting with them'. Is the smoke we exhale still 'potent' ?
I can see how the smoke coming from the lit end of a joint etc would still be potent, but im not so sure about exhaled smoke. Sry, little bit off topic. Just curious.



Well-Known Member
My 4 year old Yorkie does not like it.. You can see the confusion in his little eyes; I don't like doing that to him.

He's eaten a few pieces of nugs here and then...... Messes him up big time..


Well-Known Member
one time whilst incredibly stoned i fed my cat weed, she seemed to like it, she lays next to me when im in bed smokin, she sits next to me lookin real stoned when me n my boys have a session, yeah, my cat loves weed, even still who, someone who forces a animal to get intoxicated deserves punishment, my kitty likes it so she gets it.


Well-Known Member
when i have weed growing my cat will nom the fuck out of fan leaves, while avoiding leaves with trichs on em.
when she's eating cannabis every day, there is ZERO hairball action (long haired himalayan type cat).
when otherwise it is nearly a daily occurance.


Well-Known Member
Good q Eps. Ive often wondered that too but always forgot to ask. I suppose we may never know. My dog sleeps like fuck, but thats what dogs do best. So i think hed sleep just as much if i didnt puff.

Is it possible to get high with passive smoke ?

Like ive heard a few people saying 'i got high just sitting with them'. Is the smoke we exhale still 'potent' ?
I can see how the smoke coming from the lit end of a joint etc would still be potent, but im not so sure about exhaled smoke. Sry, little bit off topic. Just curious.

hah good question. I think people can but alot of the thc is gone from the smoke we exhale. but because we constantly recycle that air, the thc has more than one chance to be absorbed :D. Take a Compression session for example, in a car is a great way to get stoned with friends.

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
hah good question. I think people can but alot of the thc is gone from the smoke we exhale. but because we constantly recycle that air, the thc has more than one chance to be absorbed :D. Take a Compression session for example, in a car is a great way to get stoned with friends.
Compression session?


same thing?

hotboxing a car is always fun, i like not being able to see through the smoke, makes me feel like a stoned ninja :)

or one of those fuck off industrial bins, if you ever find one thats empty and that doesn't smell then all in and light up (Y)
would look hilarious to anyone who's walking by to see the lid open, smoke pouring out and a few lads falling out of it :D


Active Member
I once blew the smoke of my joint in my cats face, all she did was just getting that really stoned facial expression, yawning a lot and just chilling out. But I think nobody should purposely intoxicate their pets, I mean once it's OK, just to satisfy your curiousity, but not on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
ive never got my cats stoned cuz i read somewhere that they can have a bad reaction to it...i doubt its true but i love my cats and i dont wana risk it...and they def dont like the smoke, they always leave when i light up.

we used to have a jack russell terrier named Cujo and we would get him high, he loved it, he would sit on my lap when we would smoke and when you blew it in his face he would lick the air and get all excited lol....he lived to be 18 (average age for them is 10-12) and we got him high a lot so im sure it never had bad effects on him.

my buddies dog would run, eat and drink a lot when we got him high...only did it a few times though.


Active Member
my buddies dog would run, eat and drink a lot when we got him high...only did it a few times though.
lol, that's kinda funny. Now I wonder: Are dogs and cats with their much more sensitive noses actually also more receptive for the THC in the smoke?


Well-Known Member
they can certainly smell it better yes, but I dont see what that has to do with them getting high . . . .

but I can totally see a dog sniffing out THC and begging ;)


Well-Known Member
lol, that's kinda funny. Now I wonder: Are dogs and cats with their much more sensitive noses actually also more receptive for the THC in the smoke?
oh yeah, it was hilarious. we would sit in the garage and his food was right outside the door and we could hear him eating and drinking very loudly. and i dont have an answer for that one...