Do You Feed Everytime You Water with Soil as a Medium?


Well-Known Member
feed, water, feed, water etc. thats how i use to do it with no probs. remember to adjust the ph of your water/feed before watering. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Foxfarm nutrients (which is what I use) are every other water. Some of the other ones say every watering, but I don't know if that is necessary.


Well-Known Member
i add nutes every water with no problems but every other watering might save a few bucks, i actually kinda like buying new nutrients so i dont mind shellin out a few bucks...


Well-Known Member
that would work in hydro but not sure about soil. in soil you dont feed the plant you feed the soil and the microherd and what not turn the nutes into a form that is available to the plant. in soil the ph of the medium is important, just keep the ph of your water at 6.5 like toastiecookies suggested and ul b fine
That makes sense with the feeding the plant compared to feeding the soil. What is a reasonable schedule for micro nutes? Once a week? Funny I have that graph in my collection.



Well-Known Member
what nute lineup are you using? when i used to grow in soil i used biobizz nutes and never had to add micro nutes.


Well-Known Member
cant find any info on those nutes. try adding a small amount to your feed every 2 weeks just to be on the safe side. you can get toxicity issues if you add too much micro nutes to the soil. if it were me id only use the micro in the flowering period as the plants use more nutes producing buds.


Well-Known Member
buddha grow, buddha bloom and hpk is all you need. if you have the other additives then use them also. another thing follow that feeding schedule at half dose if you see some deficiencies then up ur nutes to the the amount stated on the chart or 3/4 stength. what micro nutes do you have?


Is it necessary to get this technical with nutes/ph? I’m on week 4 of my first grow, I’m using a general supermarket brand plant food that says it’s safe to use with every watering, I have it pre-mixed in a milk jug and that’s what I use when I water.

I haven’t purchased a PH tester yet for the soil which again is a basic potting soil mix. The plants seem to be doing OK, I’ve had some yellowing starting on the edges of some of the older leave so I started misting them with a Nitrogen/water mix, and that has seemed to help (I’ve only missed them twice so far).

I think I’m getting a good grasp on the other stages of growing but every time I read or research what I should be doing nutrient wise it’s very overwhelming!

Thank you for any input ;)


Well-Known Member
Feed 1 day then flush when they are dry. to prepare for the next week. If you feed every time its harder to control salt build up and ph levels.


Is there Mg in that soil mix u r using? I've seen Mg among other stuff missing from the ones you get at the supermarket...


Active Member
Is it necessary to get this technical with nutes/ph? I’m on week 4 of my first grow, I’m using a general supermarket brand plant food that says it’s safe to use with every watering, I have it pre-mixed in a milk jug and that’s what I use when I water.

I haven’t purchased a PH tester yet for the soil which again is a basic potting soil mix. The plants seem to be doing OK, I’ve had some yellowing starting on the edges of some of the older leave so I started misting them with a Nitrogen/water mix, and that has seemed to help (I’ve only missed them twice so far).

I think I’m getting a good grasp on the other stages of growing but every time I read or research what I should be doing nutrient wise it’s very overwhelming!

Thank you for any input ;)
It is my firm belief that when starting out you should keep things as simple as possible and not over-think things.

Is it necessary to get technical about pH, fertilizers, etc.? Yes and no.

Think of swimming: When you first start out, you stay in the shallow end and learn the basics of swimming and staying afloat. As time goes on and you become more familiar with the water, you learn new strokes and start to venture into deeper water... Eventually you'll be jumping off the high board.

If you just go straight for the high board, there's a much better chance you'll drown.


Well-Known Member
It is my firm belief that when starting out you should keep things as simple as possible and not over-think things.

Is it necessary to get technical about pH, fertilizers, etc.? Yes and no.

Think of swimming: When you first start out, you stay in the shallow end and learn the basics of swimming and staying afloat. As time goes on and you become more familiar with the water, you learn new strokes and start to venture into deeper water... Eventually you'll be jumping off the high board.

If you just go straight for the high board, there's a much better chance you'll drown.
I love this analogy sk! I completely agree. My experience taught me what alot of people probably are thinking. And that's that they want to go straight for that high dive! I was a victim of this, and my plants suffered. 4 weeks in and there were still only 3-4 inches tall lol. I started adding nutes too early and was using the wrong kind of lights, all of which stunted growth hardcore.

Moral: Less is more, take it easy, don't over do it. Alot of people like to go balls to the wall, and some times that's a good thing, just not when growing. Take yer time, check and the double check everything. If you try new/different things, like mj 31 and his setup (most people don't use supermarket nutes is my point) just do it one step at a time, watch for the effects and let the plants do their thing. Remember, we are our plant's worst enemy, most new growers that have their plants die usually killed them with kindness. :D