Do You Eat While Tripping? And How Long Does?

Full Circle

Active Member
Just wondering if anyone eats while tripping on Lucy ?

Also wondering how many days it usually takes for you to feel back grounded again ?

Lucy always leaves me VERY wrung out the next day or two ... How about you ?


Well-Known Member
yeah i eat like all kinds of stuff on acid its good

I never feel any repercussions from acid the next day. few hours of sleep is all i need.


Well-Known Member
LSD to me is like a blessing :) I`m not exagerrating, my mind feels so nice afterwards, so calm. Its a long acting painkiller, my mild scolliosis pain dies down for a while. I feel as if I don`t want to go to sleep as long as I can stand it for and wake up without snoozing the next day :) A constant grin is present during and after the trip and a constant smile for the next 2 days. I have no worries in my mind I just scan the trees and flowers as I walk along thinking about my day, observing the cartoonish patterns of the world :D

I ate the last time I tripped I`ll probs do it more often as I get used to avoiding the nausea :)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I love to eat Subway Sandwiches, Kind SIR ...

And to get straight to the point ...
If YOU get good LSD ... there should be no ill effects if you manage your sleeping schedule ...
And let your body recalibrate after that trip


Full Circle

Active Member
I love to eat Subway Sandwiches, Kind SIR ...

And to get straight to the point ...
If YOU get good LSD ... there should be no ill effects if you manage your sleeping schedule ...
And let your body recalibrate after that trip

Ya ... agreed. But how long does it normally take for your body to recalibrate ? I am remembering back to my havy tripping days ... and I think a lot of the reason I always felt so beat up and hung over, was from lack of eating or drinking enough fluids possibly.


nothing beats some cold, juicy, fruit. Everything else just doesnt seem to fit it..
True, usually after i start coming down from the peak (lets say 6 am/7am) i start feeling a bit on the low. Some apples or other fruits are great, just one and i bounce right back

I find eating during the peak can be weird lol since im so dry food does not go down without water


Active Member
i made a steak and it was amazing! hah. the steam coming off it was rainbow colored :) but i do love fungi more. but lucy is not far behind

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Food is fucking amazing with hallucinogens!

Favorably a gigantic bowl of mashed potatoes... I promise you wont regret it :D

Fruit and ice cream are both really good to... Oh and pizza..

Now that i think about it, i think acid really makes any food better hahaha.


I think the ultimate food drug is weed for sure! lolo nothing like being super high and super hungry and just eating like a crazy mofo and then smoke a huge spliff at the end xD


Well-Known Member
I tend to go for more bulky, staple-type food when high, like a big ass bowl of cereal, but hallucinogens make me go for tomatoes and other fruit. Maybe the tomatoes specifically because I used to have a tomato fixation?

I've always liked fruit but I remember the day when I just HAD to get more pears... Mmnn yes.

At least it's healthy, because I trip and I want to eat everything, then do crazy stuff, then lie down... Usually in alternating cycles of half an hour.

MUNCH! NINTENDO IN THE BATHTUB! Need another teddy bear...

Something like that ^

I'm high and this thread just reminded me, I put my fruit salad in the fridge earlier for precisely this moment. Ahhh, yeeees! #^^#

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
See pot generally has the opposite reaction for me, i smoke and then get less hungry. In fact at an old job i used to substitue pot of lunch almost every day and it surprisingly worked pretty good.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
See pot generally has the opposite reaction for me, i smoke and then get less hungry. In fact at an old job i used to substitute pot of lunch almost every day and it surprisingly worked pretty good.


Active Member

We made scrambled eggs and toast the other night. Actually, it was about 1:30 in the morning. They were amazing! LoL


Well-Known Member
scrambled? bahhhhh omelete homie western omelette with cheese peppers you know .... that is AMAZING trip food

but my all time fav is home made mac and cheese when im tripping


Well-Known Member
Dude I get munchies worse on lsd than on weed xD EVERYTHING TASTES AND LOOKS SOOOO GOOD! But then again, I hold it above my face, observing it thoroughly(for like 10 minutes), before it reaches my mouth :p