Do you agree or disagree with Twitters decision to suspend Trump for tweeting


Well-Known Member
If its against their terms of service, i see no problem with the suspension. Suspension is also necessary for protective legal purposes for twitter as well, and i know how much we love and respect the law.merlin_172944195_853abe9f-ffe7-410d-800d-e3680305f82f-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg210106-trump-deleted-tweet-773.jpg
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My only question is when did twitter become the judge and really shows how media can control the masses for one side or the other.
My only question is when did twitter become the judge and really shows how media can control the masses for one side or the other.
my question for you is, do you support or oppose twitters reason and decision? this is yes or no question, and you can back it up with a reason if necessary.
I dont have Twitter or ever tweet but just happy they did that , we might find him a joke, but there are nut jobs who hang onto his every word.

they were doing the right thing, mute him like they did on stage at the primaries
my question for you is, do you support or oppose twitters reason and decision? this is yes or no question, and you can back it up with a reason if necessary.
Ya they deff have the right to ban him as long as they do it to both sides just not a one sided thing. If another president going forward puts anything unsubstantiated then ban it.
if anyone here is for law, you should be supporting twitters policy and terms of service placed to protect their company from lawsuits.
I guess its kinda like china does smother the free speech whether you agree or disagree. Im sure activists are lying there too would be their argument.
I guess its kinda like china does smother the free speech whether you agree or disagree. Im sure activists are lying there too would be their argument.
its hate rhetoric id understand if he really had a case...and kissed babies..and didn't lie...sure yeah it might come off as a cover up or whatever but he knows the power he has at his finger tips. imagine if you left a comment here and millions of people reacted, let alone did something about!
if anyone here is for law, you should be supporting twitters policy and terms of service placed to protect their company from lawsuits.
But they are still deciding what to believe and what the world should believe by saying the election wasnt rigged how does anyone really know? But in the interest of no civil war just remove the donald and move on to starting a war outside of usa. Its been 4 years of in fighting time to move the battle to the middle east (sarcasm). Politicians are all corrupt and idiots.
redhats must think its ok to promote violence and criminal acts freely over social media.
its hate rhetoric id understand if he really had a case...and kissed babies..and didn't lie...sure yeah it might come off as a cover up or whatever but he knows the power he has at his finger tips. imagine if you left a comment here and millions of people reacted, let alone did something about!
Yup social media will be the downfall of humanity.
But they are still deciding what to believe and what the world should believe by saying the election wasnt rigged how does anyone really know? But in the interest of no civil war just remove the donald and move on to starting a war outside of usa. Its been 4 years of in fighting time to move the battle to the middle east (sarcasm). Politicians are all corrupt and idiots.
they know because the votes get counted by more then one person, 3 at a time count and double check. I could understand a lone person trying to fudge a few numbers here. but you would have to multiply that by million, your saying all those people kept silent? come on man, it simply isn't true.
"twitter shouldn't be government regulated so we can have free speech and say whatever we want even if it promotes murder, rape, drugs, school shootings, violent racist acts. all that shouldn't be regulated" - redhats
Trump is a fookin idiot of a man, he needs silencing lmao he should never of been allowed to run for president he has sausages for brains :eek:
so is everything else but hate speech ok? and what defines "hate speech"?

hate speech

  1. abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.
so. yes