Do these look right?


New Member
I have 4 plants at various ages(within days of eachother, some popped sooner). I suspect the 3 youngest to be of the same strain, the oldest(picture one) is something different. I haven't been growing long enough to know whether or not the vegatation is healthy. I have noticed that the edges of the leaves have begun to curl upwards. Is this normal? The green has also take a slight yellow tinge, and lost it's brilliance. I recently switched them from a flourescent germination lamp to a 250w metal halide, which I initially set about 6 inches above the plants, stupidly thinking it would be the same as the flourescent. I realized the following day that the light was too close, and now have it at about 12 inches above them. Since the light switch I have had to increase the watering because of the heat put-off by the new lamp.

My grow medium consists of the following:
- 50% Hyponex potting soil
- 16.5% Vermiculite
- 16.5% Perlite
- 16.5% Peat Moss

I have added a 12-0-0 blood mulch and a 0-10-10 fish immulsion as fertilizer. I added a higher percentage of the former because my research showed an ample supply of nitrate will insure an ample vegitative growth. I currently have them on a 24/hour light cycle. I also have a small desk fan blowing round the clock. From time to time I mist them with a spray bottle.

I have included pictures of each plant, please respond with your thoughts.

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Well-Known Member
they look fine to me. i noticed water on the leaves so be careful that you don't scorch your plants:) water magnifies light.


Well-Known Member
yea i had the sae problem when i first started. i would spray the leaves way to much and i burnt my leaves. what works for me is spraying right before the lights go out (like 10 - 15 min until).