Do plants take longer to mature when producing seed?


Active Member
Just wondering if everything else is the same will a plant take longer to mature when producing seeds than if its sensimilla? Assuming your going for viable seeds.


Well-Known Member
so instead of making empty seed sacs filled with thc (females) sensillimallia, it makes seeds (males) shouild take the same time, just one will be male and one would be female. Personally I have enough so I can kill the males, so I prob. will never grow for seeds but it should be the same grow time for either sex, it's the different types of weed that grow at different rates


Well-Known Member
yes it will, in order for the seeds to mature the bud sometimes has to be past its peak. Still smokable but if your main objective is to get seed you would wait for them to mature and not the bud.

djcx think about your post seeds start growing depending on when the female was pollinated and the bud having seeds doesnt mean its ready


Well-Known Member
yes it will, in order for the seeds to mature the bud sometimes hes to be past its peak. Still smokable but if your main oblective is to get seed you would wait for them to mature and not the bud.

djcx think about your post seeds start growing depending on when the female was pollenated and the bud having seeds doesnt mean its ready
that's why I sayed '' I think '' because I wasn't 100%


Well-Known Member
Plants grown for seed take longer. Seeds take four to six weeks to mature. Nutrient levels are different for plants grown for seeds also. You will want to keep the nitrogen levels up for seeded plants. When growing for smoke, nitrogen takes the back seat. It is best to keep nutrients pretty much the same through out the grow cycle for seeded plants. You can expect plants grown for seed to take 2-4 weeks longer than plants for smoking. Seeds mature as the plant dies, it's the life cycle they go through. If anyone wants to know where I got my info...Breeding Quality Cannabis by DJ Short and Jorge Cervantes and Chimera of Chimera Seeds. I have Jorge's latest grow bible and there is a section by Chimera on breeding and seed development. I recommend this book for everyone, it's only $25.00 and worth way more than it's face value.