Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!


Active Member
Too much airflow at 40%. Plants would grow for a week or 2 then stall out. Throw very purple stems that were hard as a rock in veg.

I ended up putting a hydrofarm 8" fan in at 45ish% for the exhaust and used the 8" can fan just to blow air through the lights of a couple tents...


Active Member
Lol.. don't put an overpowered inline fan in a tent.. too much air unless you starve it of intake.. but then your tent is gonna be sicker in too much.

Think the massive amount of air exchange doesn't allow humidity around the leaves maybe. Even when the plant isn't moving


Active Member
? Well that was my problem in 1 of my 3 tents.. happened twice in that tent and all my other plants were happy as heck in the others. I've quadruple checked every variable that I could.

My tent is only 112 cubic feet and that fan was pushing 800 or so cfm at full.. you have any knowledge of the one has run afan as powerful and that small of an area? That way you would have evidence


Active Member
Does anyone on here have any experience with this? If I can run a fan that big, then i have a mystery problem and I'm about ready to pull my hair out because I cannot figure out what else could be wrong with this tent. Got ac right next to it as well as 2 other tents, everything checks out and my test plant male is doing amazing since the fan change


Active Member
I appreciate your willing to help me, but you have any evidence or have you been in the same situation? Otherwise if you don't know and can't provide facts, it really doesn't help me


Active Member
My other four by four tent has a 600 watt with a six inch inline fan and it is doing great. & I have heard that people have put 1000 watt bulbs in 4x4 tents before and that's what I'm doing in this bad tent..


Active Member
Okay? I grow cannabis and I've been doing for a long time. I'm not the best, but I know what I am doing. If you can't back it up please stop replying


Active Member
Stop trying to be a troll you know the evidence I am looking for have you ever experienced the same thing? If not just wait for someone else to post that has evidence and has experienced such a thing


Well-Known Member
I agree with woody as I have used an 8" on my 4'x4' for years now and have ran at full speed no issues other then walls getting sucked in I adjust on the fly to keep a perfect temp with the massive airflow you don't have to worry about rh of co2 just get a dust shroom to filter intake
and purple stems is a p def issue from cold or too wet root zone or just a lack of P


Active Member
I've used eights and sixes in tents .... What your claiming is ridiculous

I have a feeling you're a very new grower
14 years.. first time in tents. That's all I wanted to hear from you.. sorry to be a bit rude, but after trying to figure this thing out for a few months and everything else going perfectly, I'm just really really frustrated and tired with this tent

I have never had a plant ever go bad until this tent, and what the other guys saying about my rootzone being too cold sounds like that is the most plausible answer now..


Well-Known Member
14 years.. first time in tents. That's all I wanted to hear from you.. sorry to be a bit rude, but after trying to figure this thing out for a few months and everything else going perfectly, I'm just really really frustrated and tired with this tent

I have never had a plant ever go bad until this tent, and what the other guys saying about my rootzone being too cold sounds like that is the most plausible answer now..
I don't believe it.... You're a third grow pro