Do I understand what I have heard correctly?

A female pollenated with hermie pollen creates femanized seeds:

  • Yes it does.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No it does not.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Yes but there is more to it then stated by the OP.

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So let me make sure I understand this correctly. If I am wrong please say so.

If a hermaphrodite marijuana plant pollinates a 100% female marijuana plant that this is what creates feminized seeds.

If this is wrong again please say so. If, however, this is true then why wouldn't more people create or save hermie pollen? Or are they doing it and I am just not seeing it? Or am I wrong about the whole thing?


Well-Known Member
You are correct. They tend to have hermaphroditic tendencies though, which is why many people shy away from them.


Well-Known Member
this is incorrect.

when making feminized seeds you want to find a female they will NOT hermy under ANY conditions. you grow out females and you stress then trying to cause them to turn hermy. when you find one that will NOT turn hermy then you use chemicals to cause it to produce male flowers. using this pollen will give you feminized seeds.

hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I understand the majority of that FDD. However you say you chemically alter the unhermiable female to cause it to hermi?


Well-Known Member
this is incorrect.​

when making feminized seeds you want to find a female they will NOT hermy under ANY conditions. you grow out females and you stress then trying to cause them to turn hermy. when you find one that will NOT turn hermy then you use chemicals to cause it to produce male flowers. using this pollen will give you feminized seeds.​

hope this helps.​
Well that's another way I guess. What chemicals?


Well-Known Member
i think it's colloidal silver.

this is the only way to get true feminized seeds. otherwise you are working with hermy traits. at that point you'd be better off with solid males and females.


Well-Known Member
So let me make sure I understand this correctly. If I am wrong please say so.

If a hermaphrodite marijuana plant pollinates a 100% female marijuana plant that this is what creates feminized seeds.

If this is wrong again please say so. If, however, this is true then why wouldn't more people create or save hermie pollen? Or are they doing it and I am just not seeing it? Or am I wrong about the whole thing?
Not exactly. It's a little more complicated than that. This is what I've read:

If a female plant goes hermie because it was genetically destined to do so, then using the pollen from it will result in both hermaphrodite seeds and female seeds. But you are likely to have a high number of hermies from that seed. This is just a regular old hermie, common with bagseed, and is not good to use to get feminized seed.

If a female plant goes hermie due to lots of stress from screwed up light cycles, spraying it with gibberellic acid, using colloidal silver on it, etc., then pollinating a female plant with it's pollen should result in feminized seeds. There will still be the occasional hermie, but that will happen with all feminized seed. Lots of folks make their own feminized seeds with pollen from these kind of hermies.

There is another technique for getting a female to go hermie, and it is called Rodelization (spelling). It is like this: you let an unpollinated female plant go 2 or 3 weeks past ripening without cutting off any bud. In a last ditch effort to reproduce, it will sometimes produce male pollen sacs. This pollen is good to use to make feminized seed. Lots of folks use this method, though again, the occasional hermie will pop up.


Well-Known Member
There is another technique for getting a female to go hermie, and it is called Rodelization (spelling). It is like this: you let an unpollinated female plant go 2 or 3 weeks past ripening without cutting off any bud. In a last ditch effort to reproduce, it will sometimes produce male pollen sacs. This pollen is good to use to make feminized seed. Lots of folks use this method.
So If it does this and self pollinates will the seeds then be feminized or does it have to pollinate a different female plant?


Well-Known Member
So If it does this and self pollinates will the seeds then be feminized...?
I think so, but there may not be enough time for the seed to mature. Also, it is considered undesirable, because...blah blah, something complicated I can't remember, blah. ;-) Something to do with a lack of diversity in the gene pool, I believe.


Well-Known Member
If you could remember I would rep you so hard you wouldn't believe it.

On a side note, if you pushed the plant into doing this and you preserved the pollen then you have pollen to pollinate a future female and give some awesome seeds for future grows.

I need to know the draw back. I MUST KNOW THE DRAW BACK.

I appreciate the knowledge you guys are bestowing upon me. It is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If you could remember I would rep you so hard you wouldn't believe it.

On a side note, if you pushed the plant into doing this and you preserved the pollen then you have pollen to pollinate a future female and give some awesome seeds for future grows.

I need to know the draw back. I MUST KNOW THE DRAW BACK.

I appreciate the knowledge you guys are bestowing upon me. It is much appreciated.

Well, I'm not sure what the drawback is, except that the forced hermie might not produce bud that is as potent as the other plants, may not produce as much bud as the other plants, and may need to be isolated from the others to prevent it pollinating plants you don't want pollinated.

I know a lot of folk prefer to take clones from plants instead of making seed, because they can know the gender of the clones with 100% certainty, and also preserve phenomes that they like. Maybe also taking clones is easier. I'm not sure.