Do I NEED a motherplant?


Active Member
Alright I have 14 seedlings started,I have them under a 400w HPS vegging right now.Ok heres my theory,Right before I flower them Im going to take clones from all the vegging plants and put them in a separate veg container and veg them out til they root and what not.I will of course pull alll the males once I know.Before I flower my clones I will take clones off them and flower the first batch of clones.Basically as the older clones are about to go to the flowering chamber,I clone them and keep the younger clones in veg so I keep replacing with new younger and shorter clones due to height limitation.So can I just keep my veg chamber stocked with clones or should I have a designated mother plant?I really dont have space for a mother can anyone help!


Well-Known Member
A mother plant is a great thing to have when you have a bomb strain. Make room for her and you can clone at leisure.


Well-Known Member
Either way is fine, clone a clone then clone the clone more as long as you like until you die or keep a mother, same difference it's the same plant every time. :)


Active Member
boneman if I pick the best female out of the pack to clone,could I just clone that clone and keep the same qualities?Basically I want my veg room to be like a hot dog stand,replace the old hot dogs with the freshest.This way I can make my veg box as short as possible.Will this work without a mother?