do I have too much light? or too little ventilation (Cabinet Grow)


Active Member
So I have 3 sativa clones (originally from bagseed) growing in a 2' H x 2.5' W x 1' D cabinet.

I have 4 68W (300W equiv.) 2700K CFLs and a 100W MH in the cabinet. I am using SCROG to keep the plants short since their mother grew to 4 feet, which will definitely not fit in this cabinet.

My problem is that the temperature in the cabinet is nearing 100 F. Currently I have 2 34 CFM computer fans - one exhaust at the top near the MH bulb, and one at the bottom blowing directly on the MH ballast (which gets hot as f*** otherwise).

I have considered adding 2 more exhaust fans and 2 passive inlets. Will this correct the problem, or is this just too much light for such a small space?

If so, am I better off removing the HID or some of the CFLs? I am currently in veg so I value the blue light from the MH... but it also generates a lot of the heat.

Any input would be greatly helpful. This is only my 2nd grow so I'm still kind of n00b...

Note: Despite the heat, the plants have demonstrated explosive growth. They definitely like the extra light, if I can figure out how to keep it cool.



Well-Known Member
No way of putting the ballast outside of the cab?

Maybe get a couple inline booster fans to cool it down a little too. You can get 4" on from HTG Supply for like $19.95.