do i have to transplant???

my ladies r in 2 gallon pots and about 2 21/2 feet tall but they are root bound. im limited on funds at the moment do i have to transplant into bigger pots or can i flower? or will it mess the plant up since the roots have no where to go?? please help



New Member
You can take them right to completion in those pots but you will lose quantity and begin to see issues caused by being root bound. Can't you go and find some 5 gallon pails from a resteraunt or eatery or even find some old LATEX paint pails? I think it is worth making the effort, you will gain any money back by the increase in yeild.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Got some realy good looking plants there, go pawn something you only need a few pait pails and some soil. Will be worth it might cost you fifty bucks if that.


Well-Known Member
Leave them in their pots if you're broke. Take a butcher knife and push down through your roots at the angle and deep enough you hear/feel them cut. Don't go nuts. 4 or 5 should start you and make them about 2 inches away from the edge of your container. In a few days do it again and keep doing it every few days and place some closer to the plant. Do not touch the tap root.

The new smart, or air, or fabric bags (all the same principle) do exactly that but by severing root tips that protrude through the first fabric layer. The second layer is opposing weave and the sawing action does this task.

Cutting roots does the same as topping - multiplies the tips but by 2 or 4 instead of just 2 like your plant above ground.


Well-Known Member
If they was my I would put'em in 5 gallons ffof asap or whatever you're using the smaller pot holds them back slows them down I wouldn't do it I'd also would of topped them after the 5 or 6 set of branches or after the 5
or the 6 set of leaves!

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