do i have enough room?


is a 2 foot wide by 2 foot long by 4 foot tall box big enough to grow 2 plants, a white widow and AK48? im going with all 100 watt equiv. CFL's about 4 blue to veg and 6 red/2 blue to flower. will these guys get too big for this box or is there a way that i can keep them smaller? thanks


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's possible to grow those two plants in the space you have, but you shouldn't veg them for too long.

Flowering plants double, even triple in size from when the light schedule was changed to 12-12. If you haven't already, you should check out some posts on LSTing your plants, or they might grow too tall for your box.


Active Member
use LST and super cropping to maximize space. This can allow for longer veg periods and thus increase yields.


i have seen pictures of people who grew a very short plant (less than 20 inches) . how can that be done? and how much pruning or cutting of the pant can be done down low and not kill it?


Active Member
You won't grow much with only 100 equivalent, you want 100 ACTUAL watts per plant. It's easy to do if you LST well and top a lot I guess.... Also if you keep the lights VERY close (but not too close) it will stay pretty small. I myself have NEVER had a plant grow into my lights and I check on them once a day and keep lights about 2 inches away. (or more if I want them to stretch a bit)