DIY VERY CHEAP Window Light Diffuser


Well-Known Member
I have 5 foot by 5 foot window sill that I like to put plants in the window , but the west facing window produces very hot strong light ( from what I read ) , and many plants that are grown indoors will get sunburned leaves ( and because there is grass growing outside the window I am guessing that light reflects off of the grass and projects green light onto my plants , which I don't want ) ; So I took one small thin trash bag made out of Translucent very thin gauge that will stretch a little bit ; ( the kind of bag that is small and fits into a small , short trash can ) ; and cut it up and taped it into one of my two windows ) . The light is still stong enough and the light diffuses and it seems like a cool somewhat blue-white light . The result is that I can leave my plants in the window and leave them there till sunset , without getting any sunburn ; and the diffuser seems to produce more side lighting and seems to produce light that is projected sideways onto my branches and stalk .

It also keeps unfiltered light from hitting my plant pot and heating up the soil and raising the temperature more than I want and unfiltered light hitting the plant pot also causes the soil to dry quicker than I want .

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If you're growing in a west facing window your going to want all the light you can get,use no diffuser if you not worry about anyone seeing ,I grow in a south facing window ,I use 120 watts of led and grow some big plants no problem 20210430_102126.jpg
I like diffused light . I like my soil to not get real hot . I don't like Sunburned leaves that turn Yellow . I don't want to have to water the soil all the time . I do like my room to remain not too hot . By diffusing the light that comes through the window . Unfilter light beaming in my room , heats up my room and then I have to run the air conditioner a lot . I do like a lot of side lighting on my plants . With a light diffuser taped over my window , I get good light , even on an overcast day , and somehow the thin layer of plastic taped over the window , the light on an overcast day seems to get collected and is projected onto my plants .

I can't stress this enough but by diffusing the light my room temperature go down significantly and I get cool white light like they have in some green houses

I am growing Habanero Hot Peppers and Sunflowers on the right side of the full window photo below .


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I guess if your room is getting super hot it's best to filter it. My room doesn't get hot at all so as much full sun I can get .

What are you growing? I like window sill grows alot lol