So I recently moved into a new house with a wonderful upstairs loft - finally an area to start a grow (Haven't done this in 15 years)
Any and all help is appreciated.
- Space: 8'x8'
- Possible Tents:
- https://www.amazon.com/VIVOSUN-Refl...&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B07HQHG311&th=1
- https://www.amazon.com/GROWNEER-Upg...=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B07K8CY6MD
- Think I want to stick to a smaller tent for now until I am able to afford one of the top end LED lights
- Possible RDWC Build
- (2) 27 Gallon Bin for plant/plants?
- Should I do more than one in a 27 Gal Bin?
- (1) 27 Gallon Bin for control / resevoir
- (4) Air Stones - 2 in each bin
- Drill pump for water changes
- PVC to connect the bins
- 1" hosing to connect the pump and return
- Any help on this would be great!!
- (2) 27 Gallon Bin for plant/plants?