DIY organic fertilizers guide? Anyone


Well-Known Member
Hello, I want to use organic fertilizers for my next grow. Please advise any guide and feeding schedule/quantities, etc.
I live in Mexico so I don't have access to some commercial products for this purpose. I need something such as banana peel, beans, etc.
Looked into this recently, try to become familiar with the local plants.. I read recently you can take invasive weeds like nettles / dandelions to make organic teas / ferts with.
Hello, I want to use organic fertilizers for my next grow. Please advise any guide and feeding schedule/quantities, etc.
I live in Mexico so I don't have access to some commercial products for this purpose. I need something such as banana peel, beans, etc.
Hey man I don't know if you would be interested, but I bought everything for my soil mix in grow depot mexico
Not very expensive, and they sell the organic fertilizers in kits which makes them cheaper. You could make yourself a soil mix and just water from seed to harvest.

Edit: estoy a punto de comprar un par de macetas de tela y un par cosas más para crecer mis tomatitos.
KNF "Korean Natural Farming"
FPJ "fermented plant juice"
SST "sprouted seed tea"
IMO "indigenous microorganisms"
JMS "JADAM microorganism solution"
LAB "Lactobacillus"
AACT "actively aerated compost tea"

There are many things you can do. For example, you can use dry beans to make SST.

There's also the Organics section of this forum to browse through.
