diy net pot?


Active Member
Is there any way I could possibly create diy net pots? what kind of material would be ideal? Or does someone know a good place to get them cheap?


Well-Known Member
Check your local recycling center. In the plastics. Ours has a ton of pots and some net pots every now and then.


Well-Known Member
Also any of the online hydro stores would have net pots fairly cheap. Shipping probably will cost as much if not more than the net pots though.


Well-Known Member
Strainers from the dollar store, drilling holes in plastic bowls, silverware holders, pencil holders, actual woven net, plastic collenders, pieces of mesh or that stuff you use as non-slip inserts in drawers, you could drill holes in regular pots from your local store, just put tape over the area you want to drill so that it doesn't create a large crack ;-)


Active Member
thanks a lot for your input Knally and Entropic...I will make sure to be careful while making those holes..thanks again.