DIY humidity chamber first try @ cloning


Well-Known Member
8CB42FB9-F5CB-4267-B86C-AF194EA97AF0.jpeg Waiting on my cloning products but trying in soil with a 1 week into flower cutting. Clonex gel / homemade humidity chamber. May put in my peat moss plug that came today for a better chance. Will it hurt anything if I pull it out of the soil to put into the Pete Moss plug? It’s only been in there for one full day. I didn’t even plan to do a clome. I cut it off and stuck it in a bottle of water with all the leaves still on it for 4 hours / so obviously it wilted and look like it was dead starting to shrivel up / so I cut the stem under the 2nd node, Removed all the leaves and cut down the remaining leaves. Stuck it back in water & within 15 minutes she look like she was healthy as can be so yes weed is very resilient