Diy freeze drying got couple questions.

I don't know if im asking in the right thread or not but hopefully someone has has done this way.. I haven't done way to much research but. I'm building my own same way as the link to the thread or video.

First question i got is they say to get high quality vacuum guage they cost like $150. Do i even need it. The Guage that comes with the vacuum chamber goes 30 hg if google search is correct 400 torr of pressure to hg is 15.7.

Second question what torr would I need to hit to get a good freeze dry. I saw for a brief of a second and it said 335 torr.

I saw that video too, but there is more to freeze drying then he shows.
He forgot that in a professional freeze dryer the material you want to freeze dry is heated when the machine starts running.
But you can not heat it too much.
He oversimplified it a bit.
And keeping the one chamber cold all the time, is a lot of work if you want to do it well and for a longer time.

What I really hate about these types of videos is that they show in detail how to cut and glue Styrofoam (with the wrong glue).
But they handle the really important matters in 5 seconds.
They also only reply to the simple questions, but the hard questions they just ignore.
I saw that video too, but there is more to freeze drying then he shows.
He forgot that in a professional freeze dryer the material you want to freeze dry is heated when the machine starts running.
But you can not heat it too much.
He oversimplified it a bit.
And keeping the one chamber cold all the time, is a lot of work if you want to do it well and for a longer time.

What I really hate about these types of videos is that they show in detail how to cut and glue Styrofoam (with the wrong glue).
But they handle the really important matters in 5 seconds.
They also only reply to the simple questions, but the hard questions they just ignore.
Thank you for your two cents. Im definitely will do more research. But any clue on how long the material is being heated for and what temp. If I had to guess it'll probably be close to like decarb in the oven. For probably like 10 to 20mins at 120 degrees
Fahrenheit. I usually decarb at 225 for 30mins. And I also had a thought on how to keep the one chamber cooler than the showed in the video. Sides using the Styrofoam to keep it cool. Why not get a deep freezer and put the 8 qt stainless steel pot in there with the dry ice. I never experienced dry ice before so don't chew me out if this a shitty Ideal.
it depends on the material. You will have to find it out by experimenting.
Laboratories use a thermometer in their material and they have a certain calculation.
Way to difficult for me to understand.

Dry ice in a freezer might do better. Never saw it. But when you use a deep freezer, how will the tubes run from the container with the hash to the container were the water is freezing?
it depends on the material. You will have to find it out by experimenting.
Laboratories use a thermometer in their material and they have a certain calculation.
Way to difficult for me to understand.

Dry ice in a freezer might do better. Never saw it. But when you use a deep freezer, how will the tubes run from the container with the hash to the container were the water is freezing?
Same way they installed the 5/8 barb splicer in one of the chamber drill out a hole in the deep freezer side and use j b weld black and red no need to rush. To seal it on both sides. That way you got full functional door to close to keep the cold trap. I don't know how hard it would be to drill through the side of the freezer but I'm willing to find out one day soon.
Be careful not to drill through the coolant pipes in the sides. I'd like to know how to detect it.