Total Cost Depending on what you have availible to you, but there is a price list of what i have in the picture below.

I found out after first attempt air cant pass through them... dont ask
First your going to need the following items..
1. 6-8" Inline fan (Depending on your needs the 6 inch is a 250cfm Fan The 8 inch is 500Cfm if you have alot of air to move i suggest the bigger model) $24.99-$28.99 at lowes
2. Some type of Ducting Like in the picture (Was about $11.45 at lowes with the vent cover) If you want a cheaper alternative to save some cash you can use a 6" or 8" Piece of Plain Ducting.
3. Activated Carbon (You can get this at walmart in the aquarium section for a few dollars.)
4.Dryer Sheets (Fabric softener sheets) (For 8" Ducting and fan i suggest Panty Hose for large Women your going to use this as a filter to hold the Activated Carbon in the Ducting)
5 Duct Tape
(Please note this model of inline fan you have to either hardwire or buy like i did an extension cord with 3 wires Green white and black and wire it accordingly)
Step 1 Filter all your activated carbon in some type of strainer and wash it (Removes harmfull dust)
Step 2 Place a few dryer sheets at the bottom end (Where the air is going to filter out from in my picture it is the side with the vent on it) and secure them using a rubber band or duct tape.
Step 3 Pour your Washed out activated carbon into the ducting (Please note i only used 2 of these containers for my small 250cfm Fan and small grow space the other 2 are refills) So the ammount you are going to use will carry depending on the size of your filter I chose 2x 9oz Containers for my operation.
Step 4: After the Activated carbon is evenly distributed inside your piece of ducting take a few more dryer sheets and stuff them into the ducting pressing down on the activated carbon allow enough room to attach the fan in the next step.
Step 5: Assuming you have already Wired up your Inline fan to its proper power source (if you have not please do so now) take your inline fan and attach it to the ducting with the label stating (AIR FLOW ------>) in the direction of the Activated Carbon and dryer sheets we just put into the ducting.
Step 6: Once the ducting is secure to the inline fan Making sure that the air flow is pointing twords our activated carbon we will duct tape the fan and the ducting together allowing no air to exit the sides of the ducting.
Step 7: Using a few more dryer sheets i created a filter system on the oposite side of the air flow on the inline fan this is just a little extra filtering before hitting the fan thought it was a good idea this step is optional.
At the end you will have a result such as the picture below.

I cant guarantee it will handle Stinky strains but hey it works for my 10+ plants that just started flowering and about 2 days ago stunk up the whole place

One Love

I found out after first attempt air cant pass through them... dont ask
First your going to need the following items..
1. 6-8" Inline fan (Depending on your needs the 6 inch is a 250cfm Fan The 8 inch is 500Cfm if you have alot of air to move i suggest the bigger model) $24.99-$28.99 at lowes
2. Some type of Ducting Like in the picture (Was about $11.45 at lowes with the vent cover) If you want a cheaper alternative to save some cash you can use a 6" or 8" Piece of Plain Ducting.
3. Activated Carbon (You can get this at walmart in the aquarium section for a few dollars.)
4.Dryer Sheets (Fabric softener sheets) (For 8" Ducting and fan i suggest Panty Hose for large Women your going to use this as a filter to hold the Activated Carbon in the Ducting)
5 Duct Tape
(Please note this model of inline fan you have to either hardwire or buy like i did an extension cord with 3 wires Green white and black and wire it accordingly)
Step 1 Filter all your activated carbon in some type of strainer and wash it (Removes harmfull dust)
Step 2 Place a few dryer sheets at the bottom end (Where the air is going to filter out from in my picture it is the side with the vent on it) and secure them using a rubber band or duct tape.
Step 3 Pour your Washed out activated carbon into the ducting (Please note i only used 2 of these containers for my small 250cfm Fan and small grow space the other 2 are refills) So the ammount you are going to use will carry depending on the size of your filter I chose 2x 9oz Containers for my operation.
Step 4: After the Activated carbon is evenly distributed inside your piece of ducting take a few more dryer sheets and stuff them into the ducting pressing down on the activated carbon allow enough room to attach the fan in the next step.
Step 5: Assuming you have already Wired up your Inline fan to its proper power source (if you have not please do so now) take your inline fan and attach it to the ducting with the label stating (AIR FLOW ------>) in the direction of the Activated Carbon and dryer sheets we just put into the ducting.
Step 6: Once the ducting is secure to the inline fan Making sure that the air flow is pointing twords our activated carbon we will duct tape the fan and the ducting together allowing no air to exit the sides of the ducting.
Step 7: Using a few more dryer sheets i created a filter system on the oposite side of the air flow on the inline fan this is just a little extra filtering before hitting the fan thought it was a good idea this step is optional.
At the end you will have a result such as the picture below.

I cant guarantee it will handle Stinky strains but hey it works for my 10+ plants that just started flowering and about 2 days ago stunk up the whole place

One Love