Distressing Plants With A "Planned" Change Of Light Cycle

Infamous Zero

Active Member
Hey everyone. I'm looking for experience from someone who has done what I am going to try and do.

I have 4 trays, a perpetual harvest. I have a reflector and bulb over each tray. 2 trays will run 12 hours a day, and then the other two trays will light for the second half of the day. Each pair of hoods is sharing between 2 ballasts.... so I only need 2 ballasts for 4 bulbs.

My question... when I move plants from tray 2, to tray 3.. the light cycles will be opposite from each other, so if it was dark in tray 2, and I switch them to tray 3 at the 12 hour switch over, they will be in dark again, because then tray 3 will switch over to 12 of darkness... so will this 24 hour interruption of either 24 hours of light, or 24 hours of dark harm the flowering cycle? It would only be once, during the change from tray 2 to 3. Hope this makes sense.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
you should be fine doing the switch either way.

some people like to give their plants a 24 - 36 hour dark period as they switch to 12/12. it may help jump start the flowering process.

i just do whatever is the easiest to get my 12/12 on/off times at the time that i want. usually for me it is just the matter of turning the light off 6 hours earlier and that puts me on 12/12.