Dispensary and nursery tour. (Seed and Smith., Denver Colorado)


Well-Known Member
I recently had a wonderful opportunity to see Smell Taste and consume. Marijuana (Autoflower) get back to that later. at A nursery, farm, and processing shop in Denver.
I was visiting to see A hockey game and Googled grow, dispenser tours and Seed and Smith popped up. I then called their number and asked about their tours. Each tour only allows 8 people per tour. Tours are free (Awesome)
Arrived early and spent some time in the on site store, which had most everything A consumer would want. There prices were A little lower than most dispensaries, most likely because they are in A warehouse district off the beaten path. You will get additional 10% off after tour.
The tour started with A walk outside around to the load dock. Then we walked in to the first hall where we watched A short video, then the screen went away to expose 200 or so freshly planted clones in Cocoa @ 2 weeks then @ 3 weeks they are moved to another unit20231214_161750.jpg
These are 3 and 4 weeks old. After thier 30 days then they go to flowering unit where they continue to grow med. size flowers. 20231214_162058.jpg
At 4 weeks the bottom 24 inches of the plants are stripped bare like shown.20231214_162627.jpg20231214_162118.jpg20231214_150714.jpg
Then @ 55 to63 days, so they say they are ready to make certain products. Some are left to mature more for other products.

Here is some of that product. The tour finishes with A view of the processing going on. Rolling cones, with vibrating plate funneling shake into cones, extraction fluid going through mesh stockings with the Pure coming out to be dried and the vapors bieng recycled.
Anyway when your in Denver stop by and say high to them. They are 5☆☆☆☆☆ plus outfit.
And yes they are using Autoflowers.. and yes they are cloning them at 10 days.
And yes probably most if not all these places are using Autoflowers!
Any ?s pm me.


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