Discolouration of cuttings / clones leaves | AHHH!!


I have 4 cuttings of a chronic plant. The medium i am using is soil, but i know its not the soil, as the main plants we took the cuttings off were moved to flowering after we took them. The cuttings are 3 weeks young nd they have showed some discolouration on the tips, and its moving around the rim of each leaf D:

Is this normal?

Is there anything i can do to, well, cure them as such or avoid in the future?

Here are some images:

This is one of the cuttings, the other 3 are doing fine :/ but they have started to show purple/brown colouring around the rims too D:!!

They are cuttings from 2 lovely chronic plants, which are doing perfect, no discolouration, just... awesome :L :L They are starting to bud nicely too ^^

I would highly appretiate it if someone could diagnose this problem, so i can avoid it in the future, and if there is anyway of retreiving them back to greeness :weed:!!


