Disaster Strikes! Can they be saved?!?!?

I was 6 weeks into my first grow, had just changed out my big 30 gallon res, had might lights setup kind of high in anticipation of a weeks growth, and i went on vacation for a week. I get home, giddy with excitement, only to find my roomate had hit the switch that controlled the outlets i was powering from.

so my 3 girls are looking pretty horrible now, the roots were in the water, however without any bubbles. they were in 0% light and had no ventilation. They dont look super withered but def not real healthy. Im wondering if its even worth my time to try to save these? im still in shock from the tragedy i just walked into. Ill throw some pics up for a better diagnosis.

Basically i want to know if anyone has had a similar situation with recovery


Well-Known Member
its a weed, if its green it should bounce back, but if its that bad might not be worth the stress