disabled growers

swamp man

wanted to start a thread for disabled growers to exchanged idea on how to grow with our disability i have use of right hand only i have been told i need to use yo yo light hangers is this true


Well-Known Member
they will help yes...... anything that can work really fast and easy for you. pots with some sort of handle or somthing, somthing u can grip easy without worries of dropping it. just use ur imagination and smarts and all should come together

brewing up

Well-Known Member
yeah they should help you pal iv never knows of a disabled grower on here RIU b4 i wish you all the best with your grow and i hope you enjoy your experience


Well-Known Member
I had a stroke. I was right handed but not any more. You have to deal with your situation. You have to make things work for YOU.


Well-Known Member
Fixed vertical lighting, pots with saucers so you dont have pick them up, pre mixed soils, to water fill up a res with nutes etc use a water pump and hose.


Well-Known Member
well hell fire... props and +++reps for the disabled grower.. i am also disabled and have started my own grow. i don't get the option to be in a mmj state and have to pay out the ass for meds or grow my own. so on that note anyone need advice on DIY things hit me up.. i have a severe back issue and can't bend over or lift things so i have had a close friend help with the build of my secret room.. check my journal and u will see my girls.. if i can help i will.. good luck and KEEP ON GROWIN


Well-Known Member
Same boat as you bass1014. It's a great hobby and the rewards are great. I too have a VERY trusted friend help me with a few things but manage most of it myself.