Dinafem Critical +


Well-Known Member
been hearing a lot of good feedback on this dinafem critical +! thats good news, attitude seed bank gave me a free one. cant wait to try it now.


Well-Known Member
It's regular, not auto, but it finishes in 6 weeks. I got one for free, then ordered 10 more. I went to order 10 more and Dinafem was giving away 10 free if you ordered 10 Cheese Auto, which cost way less than Critical +, and I wanted to try some autos anyway. So I ended up getting 26 seeds plus some other free stuff and a mug and crush proof tin for ordering on 4/20 all for $81 delivered.


XuOut:7349094 said:
It's regular, not auto, but it finishes in 6 weeks. I got one for free, then ordered 10 more. I went to order 10 more and Dinafem was giving away 10 free if you ordered 10 Cheese Auto, which cost way less than Critical +, and I wanted to try some autos anyway. So I ended up getting 26 seeds plus some other free stuff and a mug and crush proof tin for ordering on 4/20 all for $81 delivered.
Good deal.


Well-Known Member
Here is some info about how I grow. I use 5 gallon buckets with 6" netpot lids. I use General Hydroponics nutes, Lucas Formula. I have Blackstar LEDs and a 400 watt HPS. I didn't top or supercrop or anything to this plant, just let it grow.


Well-Known Member
Day 24, half way done.
5-18-12 Critical + 001.jpg5-18-12 Critical + 002.jpg5-18-12 Critical + 003.jpg5-18-12 Critical + 004.jpg
The 2 on the left are Critical +, the one in the middle is 24 days flowering, the one on the left is a few days less. The plant on the right is a cross I made between NL #9 and KC Brains Swiss XT, it is a week or so behind the other 2.


Well-Known Member
Day 28, I chopped down the cross I made. It was stretching too much and growing too tall.
5-22-12 003.jpg5-22-12 004.jpg5-22-12 006.jpg