Dimming a 3070 with pot


Well-Known Member
Hello - long time lurker, first time poster...

I have purchased one of these drivers. http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/led-drivers/8046136/

I'm setting up a small cab (1m x 0.5 x 0.5) dimming will be crucial to getting the temps right in such a small box
This morning I have attached a 100k pot to the blue and white dimming wires..

AS you can guess my DC out stays constant at 41.8V the pots position doesn't adjust anything.
Can anyone point me in the right direction.

Thanks, UKP


Well-Known Member
Ah - Yea thanks..

The other thing to note is the output is dimmed via PWM as such it wont show up on a multimeter.


Well-Known Member
Pots usually have 3 Terminals. Switch one wire to the Wiper terminal and it should work. My best guess as to why it is not dimming. If thats not it there must be something wrong with the driver itself.


Well-Known Member
I think its because the dimmable ballast is dimming via PWM not reducing the driving voltage


Well-Known Member
Get another driver with lower current output and switch them when you want to dim.

Edit: Ignore this comment! I didn't realize it's a 3 in 1!
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Well-Known Member
The driver is a 3 in 1...just like meanwells. Recoms are solid drivers imo. And will take a pot, pwm, or voltage signal. So just a 1K pot is all you need to have amazing dimming.
Without pics, I can't tell what you got going on...but the wiring is easy and javaco said it already...one on the wiper(center terminal), one on a outer terminal.
This gives me clockwise increase...counter-clockwise decrease. Blue is Dim+ white is Dim- for me.

Also...the voltage will barely be effected....you are using a constant current driver, the current is what gets dimmed. Technically the voltage will change slightly...butt hat is because it is a function/dependent of the current.
So you should be checking the current/amps once dimmed, not voltage per say. But regardless you should visually see it dim, and it sounds like that isn't happening.
Check your wiring, and let us know.


Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry guys I got a bit concerned earlier and made a few unnecessary posts in the heat of the moment.
Everything is okay, dimming works fine. I have a 100k pot connected up, just need to put a 10k lower limit on the pot.

Question: The output of my recom is PWM with a maximum Vf of ~ 40V. E.g I set the dimmer to 90% of max, does this mean that the 40V output signal from the driver is switched on 90% of the time? and for say 60% dimming, will the output be on 60% of the time? A duty cycle sort of thing?

Thanks :) UKP