Digital Ballast Question


Well-Known Member
Ok so i got my tent and lights set up, everything is running great, but then i notice my living room tv pixilating last night, think nothing of it, today some channels are affected... so laying down the thought pops into my head, hey maybe the digital ballst (600w dimmable ipower) is doing something, sure enough i google RF and digital ballast and the paranoia really starts.... people talking about blacked out vans with RF equipment , cable companys knocking on doors, neighbors affected, FCC violations... a real scare and thought i didnt even think about, and all this time i spent my money on odor protection and a grow ballast, yes right behind it was a splitter for the cable, directly goes to the living room tv that was affected, so things point in this direction... they have an AM test, but hell i never get AM stations with the shitty little radios that still have AM so how can i trust that i always hear static...

Well now im paranoid :roll: i dont want to affect any neighbors or airports or anything in that nature to draw attention to myself.. does anybody have any ideas on how far my 600w ballast can cause interference if there is, i dont mind my house, but who knows about neighbors... are magnetic ballast a better approach if RF interference is an issue? I just need someone to help out right now, lol maybe calm me down, with some facts or something, i dont understand this stuff, and i dont want to get caught for something so stupid....

thanks for letting me vent, but im still paranoid either way


bud bootlegger
i run a digital ballast and never had an issue.. not bad tv, not noise, nada..

what brand ballast are you running? is it a cheap chinese unit by any chance?


Well-Known Member
oh, I keep warning people bout this, I didn't think anyone believed me. mine affected our internet reception, tv reception, radio ect. I got really pissed off and bought a magnetic. Try shortening the cable from the holder to the ballast or roll it up neatly and wrap it in foil.


Well-Known Member
Its a 600w IPower ...

I would like to say it was made in USA lol but i think all these products are unfortunately china, after i type this i bet the website will show made in china lol

it seems well made, not fragile plastic like others ive seen in hydro stores, metal casing...

it says on the site built in RF whatever supression, but i rather be safe i guess then sorry


Well-Known Member
my internet still flawless, every other tv works, just a couple pixilation channels on the tv that the ballast was in front of the spliter, but leads to diff room...

thanks for the help

coulda shoulda woulda , should i dump it and get a magnetic? i really dont care about money whats another 300 bucks


Well-Known Member
Ok, literally wrapping them in aluminum foil? i hhave them twist tyed now for neatness, should i wrap that, and the cord all the way to the light?

what about those suppressors i linked above?

thanks again for the help guys!


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats the thread that got my extra paranoid lol

Im gonna try that, this may be a dumb question, but is wrapping foil around these cords dangerous or a fire hazard at all?

my tv that connects to this splitter is definitely being effected, ill wrap them and see what happens...i cant relax now


Well-Known Member
you will most probably find it is limited to your own home, I was close to just going next door to ask if they were having any funny issues with reception. I used a separate power point for my ballast also.


Well-Known Member
Well i had the cable guy here, yesterday b/c of pixilation, he ran his test, put new wire in and said he has a clearer signal, but mind you my lights were off as their dark cycle is 1pm to 7pm to battle heat... so i could just go next door and be like hey do you also have a problem and play it that way... he works for the state,and wife IRS so i get iffy just talking to these guys...they usually were tattle tales growing up lol... thanks a bunch im wrapping them now


Well-Known Member
i have lots audio equipment, most neighbors know this, from dj stuff to studio monitors (speakers) analog pieces, digital pieces, they would most likely assume its that anyway, thats what id tell the cable company anyway lol, either that or, yeah i got a komodo dragon in a cage