Different strains off same res (sip)


Well-Known Member
Looking into a sip system, leaning towards the 12 pot autopot. I run salts, and have done a few organic runs. What I’m wondering is if you’re running bottomfed salts if you something that needs more food than the others can you just topdress some organics on what needs it and let the plant pull from that? I’m really getting sick of hand watering lol
Also half ass considering just going the growdots route, but I just don’t really like the dude grows guys lol they kinda give me snake oil salesmen vibes.(yet somehow I never miss an episode lol)
I’ve never used autopots so idk, but if i
U can still water them like normal pots then yes u can do what you’re asking. You can also just mix up a batch of your regular salt nutrients to a stronger or lighter strength and topwater with them. But for just regular organic dry fertilizer you’ll have to topwater a couple or few times to wash it down into the moisture zone the sip is creating