different growth rates


Active Member
hey all, im about 2 month into my 2nd grow, i have got 6 plants skunk#11's fem dutch passion, 3 of my plants are huge, 1 is medium sized and two are still very small, i have used the same soil and potting techniques on all of them, i dont understand why 3 are small, is this just the law of nature? im giving them 18/6 of light on a 400w cfl, im just starting to feed them with nutes, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
its cause how the plant is. note all plant WONT be the same in every way there just taking longer to grow out then the others. But also how did you start the plants off cause if you started them in a small cup then changed them to a bigger pot then you should be good


Active Member
i started them off in tissue paper and plates, once they germinated i potted them in small pots, and transferred them when they got to about 6 inches, they were all the same height then, but since i potted them in 10 litre pots thats when some grew quicker, i started 10 plants but only 6 came good, the prob i got now is i want to flower the big ones but i havent got anywhere to put my smaller ones


Well-Known Member
well its just seems like the bigger plants grew into the new pot quickly is all, most plants love to be put in a bigger pot after being in a small pot cause in the bigger pot the plant can expand just make sure you only use nutri. about 1 time every 1 or 2 weeks cause im having a nutri problem right now but my baby plant seems to be pulling threw your plants will be ok just let the smaller plants get out of shock from the move and they will sprout just like the bug plants have.


Active Member
Have you been rotating the plants under the light?

One thing i know for sure is that the plants along the outside edge of your grow will always be smaller than the plants directly under the light. Not only should you rotate the plants 180 degrees, but also give the ones on the outside a turn at being directly under the lamp.