Different Color of Seeeds

First off i haven't grown in years and when i did i just poped the seed in he dirt and let it do its biz. Just plain water.I didnt know what i was doing but i got high. I got alot of seeds so a few weeks ago i germinated a few then put them in a pot of out side soil. NOTHING! They never sprouted out the dirt but the shells were empty on top.:confused:
After a few days I was curious so i moves the dirt around and there were no roots. I had them on the porch for sun light, moving the plants as the sun moved. I left my cups out there over night so i'm guess maybe something ate them. I live in the country so BUGS every where. The advice I need today... I have a lot of bag seeds different colors. I read you should use the brown ones with veins. But I got some lime Green ones that are plump and alot of veins. I remember that they came from That SHit:eyesmoke:
Which color is best to use. This time i picked 3 plumped lite green ones, 6 dark brown ones, and 3 plumped lite brown ones. I started germinating the 6 brk brwn ones yesterday but only one craked. Before, i waited for a root but I didn't want to take any chances of contaminating it so I just planted it today. Do anyone have advice about the color of seed to use.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Look for seeds that are dark brown or light grey. Some may have dark lines inset into these colors, like tiger stripes. White, small seeds are immature
The lite green seeds that i have come from some good ass weed andi have a that are bigger than the brow with vein running thew them... I'm keep not hard headed, i hear y'all but it won't hurt to see what will happen. I'll keep yall posted. All I keep thinking is how good the weed was that the lite green seeds came from

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
The lite green seeds that i have come from some good ass weed andi have a that are bigger than the brow with vein running thew them... I'm keep not hard headed, i hear y'all but it won't hurt to see what will happen. I'll keep yall posted. All I keep thinking is how good the weed was that the lite green seeds came from
its def. worth giving them a try. just imature seeds means probly a poor germ rate. but if you get a few to pop and get some nice plants, its worth it.
what do you have to lose right?