difference between thai red vein and red vein kali?


Well-Known Member
Red vein Thai comes from somewhere in Thailand, and Red Kali comes from the Kalimantan area in Indonesia.

Some other differences in the leaf can depend on many things like time of year of harvest, age of the trees etc.. Different vendors get their leaves from different sources. One place can have something labeled as Red vein Thai, and it be way different than the stuff labeled Red vein Thai at another place.

Both of those are good choices if the vendor cares about quality, and not only $$$.


Well-Known Member
In general

Thai's are stimulating
Kali's are from a region in borneo , so it's very simmilar to bali --sedating

Red's are sedating, whites are stimulating, and greens are somewear in the middle

But names dont always mean much

By the way since kratom is highly illegal in thailand, very little actually comes from their , it's just a name to indiciate it;s effects . This can be confirmed by looking at the overseas wholesalers 90% comes from indo. 8% comes from maylasa (also illegal but not enforced), and mayabe 1% from thai. and another 1% from other countrys in the SE Asia area


Well-Known Member
By the way since kratom is highly illegal in thailand, very little actually comes from their , it's just a name to indiciate it;s effects . This can be confirmed by looking at the overseas wholesalers 90% comes from indo. 8% comes from maylasa (also illegal but not enforced), and mayabe 1% from thai. and another 1% from other countrys in the SE Asia area
I completely forgot that it's illegal there.


what about the pain relieving effects. the site i use started a red vein kali and are saying it between the thai red vein and bali.. i just tried both the bali and the thai red vein and it seemed the red vein worked better in a lot of ways. i wonder if their bali is just not top grade. so it would make sense the red vein kali would be good for pain relief and mood enhancement, as i have found that the red veins are great for enhancing outlook