DIff types of growing methods


Just had a few growing questions, as I am not sure if I am growing the most profitable way possible. I am running a flood and drain system on a 4x4 under a 1000w light, and am doing about 30-40 plants a tray about 40-48 inches high, running them in 4x4 rockwool, with the 2 part Advanced nutrient line, and am only getting about a oz per plant if that, one thing I am about to do that I have not before is cover the room in that bright white reflective material, but dont think that is too much of a big thing, keep my ph 5.8-6.5 and ppm 400-1200 max, and running big bud strain now to hope for bigger yields I hear these other growers growing half lb per plant and was wondering if I am doing something wrong or should be doing something diff, for instance I heard that some growers do a 5 gal bucket system where they hang a bulb down vertically and rotate plant every so often in soil, but this way seems like it would take much longer.

your help appreciated


Active Member
It could be your strain. I am running Pure Power Plant from Nirvana and the produce more than an oz dry per 24" plant.

Some strains are not great producers.

Illegal Smile

I can't envision how you get 30-40 plants each 40-48 inches in a 4x4 table. Is there a typo in there? And ounce from a 3-4ft plant is not enough. But an ounce from 40 plants in a 4x4 is 2 1/2 lbs which doesn't sound so bad.


Id have to say its the strain ur using man. cus most 40-48 inch tall plants should be givin u like 2 ozs a plant unless ur growin a strain that just grows lil popcorn buds. wat kind of light r u using ? an hrs on/off ?


Well-Known Member
But an ounce from 40 plants in a 4x4 is 2 1/2 lbs which doesn't sound so bad.
There's nothing wrong with 2½ lbs off a 1000w 4x4 huh! That's almost .9 gram per watt. :bigjoint:

It sounds like you're over crowded, but it's not yield per plant that you should focus on ... it's overall yield per year imo.


Well-Known Member
If you get 40oz a run with your light your setup is very good.
That 1.13gram per watt.
With a 1000W thats a very impressive number.