Did you ever create a monster?


Well-Known Member
So, we were sitting around telling lunchtime stories when a certain guy's name came up.

'WTF ever happened to ______ ?'

Well boys, I'll tell you the whole story.

A friend I graduated HS with and I were working the summer in the local steel mill in 1973. A new kid comes in, first day on the job.

My buddy immediately points out to the new guy you have to be 18 to work here, as he looked awfully young.

He shows us his driver's license to prove his age. So we tell him since he's old enough, he can meet us by the river bank at lunch time to burn one.

He shows up and we pass him a joint. Kid hits it like a cigarette. My buddy gets on his shit, 'hold that shit in a few seconds, didn't you ever smoke weed before?'

It was obvious he hadn't. But he liked it and showed up at lunch every day.

Soon, he asked about buying an oz. We got it for him. (Mostly so he didn't just burn ours at lunch, lol.)

Then, an oz. wasn't enough, he wanted a pound. Lol. The going rate was $20 an oz. in '73. A pound was around $160-175.

So we sold him a pound. At $20. an oz. $320.

Then he found someone else to sell him pounds. The local mafia guy sold it to him for $175. But it was a pound of shredded newspapers.

Then he discovered coke. Soon, his entire paycheck was going for coke.

Then, his dad died. (this is now covering 1973-1975) We kept working summers, the kid was full time. His dad left him a bunch of stuff including around $80K in savings bonds, the old kind that accrued interest indefinitely. He had 2 bank pouches filled with them at work, and went through them in 3 months.

Used to buy cases of Dom, and keep them in a cooler on ice in his car. Went through a quarter million of inheritance money in a couple years, after his aunt left all her shit to him. Had 3 nice cars, snorted them up also.

His favorite trade mark expression was, "I want the best."

He got in trouble at work, had a hearing and promptly quit. They weren't going to fire him, they wanted to send him to rehab. "Fuck You, I quit" People started chasing him for drug debts.

Then he began robbing banks. Held up the local bank and demanded $450. The price of a quarter oz. of coke at the time. Tried that again and the judge put him away for a couple years.

He's been in and out of prison ever since. And looks horrible.

We created a monster.
So, we were sitting around telling lunchtime stories when a certain guy's name came up.

'WTF ever happened to ______ ?'

Well boys, I'll tell you the whole story.

A friend I graduated HS with and I were working the summer in the local steel mill in 1973. A new kid comes in, first day on the job.

My buddy immediately points out to the new guy you have to be 18 to work here, as he looked awfully young.

He shows us his driver's license to prove his age. So we tell him since he's old enough, he can meet us by the river bank at lunch time to burn one.

He shows up and we pass him a joint. Kid hits it like a cigarette. My buddy gets on his shit, 'hold that shit in a few seconds, didn't you ever smoke weed before?'

It was obvious he hadn't. But he liked it and showed up at lunch every day.

Soon, he asked about buying an oz. We got it for him. (Mostly so he didn't just burn ours at lunch, lol.)

Then, an oz. wasn't enough, he wanted a pound. Lol. The going rate was $20 an oz. in '73. A pound was around $160-175.

So we sold him a pound. At $20. an oz. $320.

Then he found someone else to sell him pounds. The local mafia guy sold it to him for $175. But it was a pound of shredded newspapers.

Then he discovered coke. Soon, his entire paycheck was going for coke.

Then, his dad died. (this is now covering 1973-1975) We kept working summers, the kid was full time. His dad left him a bunch of stuff including around $80K in savings bonds, the old kind that accrued interest indefinitely. He had 2 bank pouches filled with them at work, and went through them in 3 months.

Used to buy cases of Dom, and keep them in a cooler on ice in his car. Went through a quarter million of inheritance money in a couple years, after his aunt left all her shit to him. Had 3 nice cars, snorted them up also.

His favorite trade mark expression was, "I want the best."

He got in trouble at work, had a hearing and promptly quit. They weren't going to fire him, they wanted to send him to rehab. "Fuck You, I quit" People started chasing him for drug debts.

Then he began robbing banks. Held up the local bank and demanded $450. The price of a quarter oz. of coke at the time. Tried that again and the judge put him away for a couple years.

He's been in and out of prison ever since. And looks horrible.

We created a monster.
Must have been that damn gateway drug, "weed" that you gave him..
So, we were sitting around telling lunchtime stories when a certain guy's name came up.

'WTF ever happened to ______ ?'

Well boys, I'll tell you the whole story.

A friend I graduated HS with and I were working the summer in the local steel mill in 1973. A new kid comes in, first day on the job.

My buddy immediately points out to the new guy you have to be 18 to work here, as he looked awfully young.

He shows us his driver's license to prove his age. So we tell him since he's old enough, he can meet us by the river bank at lunch time to burn one.

He shows up and we pass him a joint. Kid hits it like a cigarette. My buddy gets on his shit, 'hold that shit in a few seconds, didn't you ever smoke weed before?'

It was obvious he hadn't. But he liked it and showed up at lunch every day.

Soon, he asked about buying an oz. We got it for him. (Mostly so he didn't just burn ours at lunch, lol.)

Then, an oz. wasn't enough, he wanted a pound. Lol. The going rate was $20 an oz. in '73. A pound was around $160-175.

So we sold him a pound. At $20. an oz. $320.

Then he found someone else to sell him pounds. The local mafia guy sold it to him for $175. But it was a pound of shredded newspapers.

Then he discovered coke. Soon, his entire paycheck was going for coke.

Then, his dad died. (this is now covering 1973-1975) We kept working summers, the kid was full time. His dad left him a bunch of stuff including around $80K in savings bonds, the old kind that accrued interest indefinitely. He had 2 bank pouches filled with them at work, and went through them in 3 months.

Used to buy cases of Dom, and keep them in a cooler on ice in his car. Went through a quarter million of inheritance money in a couple years, after his aunt left all her shit to him. Had 3 nice cars, snorted them up also.

His favorite trade mark expression was, "I want the best."

He got in trouble at work, had a hearing and promptly quit. They weren't going to fire him, they wanted to send him to rehab. "Fuck You, I quit" People started chasing him for drug debts.

Then he began robbing banks. Held up the local bank and demanded $450. The price of a quarter oz. of coke at the time. Tried that again and the judge put him away for a couple years.

He's been in and out of prison ever since. And looks horrible.

We created a monster.
Oh and btw I'll take a couple of those lbs.. :bigjoint:
If not you, then someone else would have turned him on. Who knows maybe
Guido "The local mafia guy". It was only a matter of time.

I have a family member that turns into a monster/bitch whenever we enter the same
airspace. She is one of the types that thinks everyone should follow her lead and bow
down at her whim

I don't so it's instant vinegar and water and the fracas is on.

I'm sure it's not comfortable for others in the room, but I don't suck cock and wont start with hers.

Family or not I don't give a flying
winged penis better.jpg

I guess I did not create her but It seems I must turn on her BITCHness just because I breath.:twisted:
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Sounds like half the people I grew up with, minus the inheritance. A girl I knew that won a bunch of money in a lawsuit from an accident blew through a half mill. in a few months because she had druggy friends. Sad to see that happen.

Unless you're the dealer. Can you imagine how happy those dudes are when this happens? I'm still waiting for my ship of addicts to come in...
Yeah, my little brother unfortunately. Fucker just totalled his truck and busted his face all up the week before he gets recalled back to work. So now I have to drive him to and fro. Luckily he just hit a hillside this time. But he just never learns. Every year it's something. 31 and still acts like a damn 18 year old. Just when you think he's been low-key for awhile, boom like a Fucking freight train. Fucking alcohol man.
Yeah, my little brother unfortunately. Fucker just totalled his truck and busted his face all up the week before he gets recalled back to work. So now I have to drive him to and fro. Luckily he just hit a hillside this time. But he just never learns. Every year it's something. 31 and still acts like a damn 18 year old. Just when you think he's been low-key for awhile, boom like a Fucking freight train. Fucking alcohol man.

Sorry to hear that about your brother. Both my brothers had problems with alcohol, and coke, now I don't have any brothers anymore and I really fuckin miss them. :peace:
A best friend from school, that I stayed friends with over the years had a girlfriend that once had a full cannabis psychosis episode. We are talking hospital, the whole thing.
She basically became a bitch/monster after, and they broke up. In a way, I feel responsible, as he had his first weed from me when we were kids. He is very successful today with 2 lovely daughters and a wife.
I have essentially created many beasts, not fun stories but I will let you in on another now gone member.


She was 17 when we first met I was 19 turning 20**add a year posaibly**

We firat met while I was working at trade shows peddling ice cream. I originally asked for her tatted and pierced friends number.

Skip the boring stuff.

I introduced her to drugs thw firat drug she did was lsd and it wasn't till her aecond acid trip ahe tried weed.

It all goes downhill.

We started drinking a lot together, a lot and every day I tried forcing her to school, she already got kicked out of her moms for spending thw night with me.

So she is 18 and pretty much only goingto school to sell weed/acid and mdma for me.

A few fights, ahe loat her scholarships, her family left but hey, she still has sf.

I progressed into every day drug dealing and oxy use.

We in a bar lady accuses me of running on a tab but my girl atill there. Copa come over gun call/robbery/ threatening and assault.

Sf winds up being arrested hours later saying fuck cops to a car

OkI get out and ahe has it good lots of pills everything ready. Im hurting. On koney and she offera to sell herself.

I qomt go into detail.

K my money ia back no more bs.

I take her to meet the og mans and we doing crack daily smashing heroin. Balling out, making money but

We fight a lot. I went to jail atleast 3 times a yearfor the next year on various charges.

K 5 years in.

We now sell heroin/coke/crack/mdma/dmt/ so many rc drugs

So we hammed one night at the bar being assholez.

She winds up doing houseinvasion non the dude with tools and all. I am at a diff house.get thw call.

Ugh ao much to say.but she became a jacker.

Idk ahe broke up with me after a big arrest and the cops hit her. She was alegend.

Not many chicka had balls likeher. Shed punch any guy out andif that didnt work she came with guns and did it all alone.

I think she is now sober free of sf and his troublesome ways. I hope the best, me and her had the best and worst of times

Let her be ok deapite the things she did I shouldn't have brought her into my life.

Oh a guy tried being forceful in a three some and she punched him out atole his ahit and forced him out the house.

<3 @S3love if you ever look.I still care for you babe

I was thw worst man ever. The beatings, drug uae/ dealing you never needed.

Im sorry.

Experience cannot be taught
So, we were sitting around telling lunchtime stories when a certain guy's name came up.

'WTF ever happened to ______ ?'

Well boys, I'll tell you the whole story.

A friend I graduated HS with and I were working the summer in the local steel mill in 1973. A new kid comes in, first day on the job.

My buddy immediately points out to the new guy you have to be 18 to work here, as he looked awfully young.

He shows us his driver's license to prove his age. So we tell him since he's old enough, he can meet us by the river bank at lunch time to burn one.

He shows up and we pass him a joint. Kid hits it like a cigarette. My buddy gets on his shit, 'hold that shit in a few seconds, didn't you ever smoke weed before?'

It was obvious he hadn't. But he liked it and showed up at lunch every day.

Soon, he asked about buying an oz. We got it for him. (Mostly so he didn't just burn ours at lunch, lol.)

Then, an oz. wasn't enough, he wanted a pound. Lol. The going rate was $20 an oz. in '73. A pound was around $160-175.

So we sold him a pound. At $20. an oz. $320.

Then he found someone else to sell him pounds. The local mafia guy sold it to him for $175. But it was a pound of shredded newspapers.

Then he discovered coke. Soon, his entire paycheck was going for coke.

Then, his dad died. (this is now covering 1973-1975) We kept working summers, the kid was full time. His dad left him a bunch of stuff including around $80K in savings bonds, the old kind that accrued interest indefinitely. He had 2 bank pouches filled with them at work, and went through them in 3 months.

Used to buy cases of Dom, and keep them in a cooler on ice in his car. Went through a quarter million of inheritance money in a couple years, after his aunt left all her shit to him. Had 3 nice cars, snorted them up also.

His favorite trade mark expression was, "I want the best."

He got in trouble at work, had a hearing and promptly quit. They weren't going to fire him, they wanted to send him to rehab. "Fuck You, I quit" People started chasing him for drug debts.

Then he began robbing banks. Held up the local bank and demanded $450. The price of a quarter oz. of coke at the time. Tried that again and the judge put him away for a couple years.

He's been in and out of prison ever since. And looks horrible.

We created a monster.

So you still work at the same place?