u so right if we were smart like u we would pretend to see it to^^^
The arrogance of the left continues to amaze me. I mean, here we have O'Bama on the one hand, who spent his early political career being groomed by communists and communist sympathizers. The information is out there and you continue to ignore it. On the other hand, we have McCain who was held captive for five and a half years in a communist prison and all you can do is demean the guy. In this thread, we have a bunch of delusional ... man, I don't even know how to describe you guys. I guess naive would be the best term. I feel sorry for my once great country and for those who have another fifty years to live in it. The barbarians have truly taken over and brainwashed the masses ... especially the young people. Read history, people and wake the hell up!
Held captive for five years...and betrayed his honor and his country while there. So, he has a record of honorless disloyalty. And Palin has a record of abusing power (and a whopping 12 hours of foreign policy experience, including playing tour guide to ice sculptures and phone calls about ice sculptures). The Ticket Guaranteed To Lose(tm)!
Why'd you put "regulate" up there? Lack of regulation has destroyed the global economy, and especially our own. I guess you included one good point, to throw us off?
Most of those are way off, of course. Obama is no Marxist. He's never supported appeasement. A lot of people think women should have the freedom to decide the abortion matter themselves. Taxes only for the wealthy, and way lower for everyone else. No oil would be great, and that should be our goal for the future. It's not 'retreat' when your democratically elected ally says, "Please be ready to get out of our country within 16 months." And 'bad' is obviously subjective.
The arrogance of the left continues to amaze me. I mean, here we have O'Bama on the one hand, who spent his early political career being groomed by communists and communist sympathizers...
Why does it matter if I was tortured or not? McCain's fellow POWs were tortured, and THEY didn't betray their country. McCain did. I judge him in comparison to his fellow POWs, who endured the same things he did...but they put country first instead of rolling over, and some of them paid the ultimate price for that and are with us no more.