Did the Dems lose the Senate???


Well-Known Member
CNN is reporting that the Senate has a slim PUB majority now.

Grimes got her doors blown off, Mitch the Turtle is still in.

So, Biden can do nothing about this.

Pride goth before the FALL.


Well-Known Member
If you think the Congress will go easy on the President.... No way.

You reap what you sow, in Politics.


Well-Known Member
Well..... It looks like a grand case of Grid lock will hit the USA law makers....

Seriously, ask anyone, are there too many laws on the books, or do we need more laws....

No one, wants more government control and more laws restricting their personal freedoms...... right?

So, like I always say: "Gridlock in Government is a good thing"

Just say no to more laws, rules, limitations, and with less freedoms....

The House writting laws.... The Senate passing laws.... the President rejecting those new laws....

It'll be grand....


Well-Known Member
Some sites saying Pubs gain 8 senate seats and a similar number in the house.

Over 25 Governors too.

I hope the Dems lubed up early.


Well-Known Member
Well..... It looks like a grand case of Grid lock will hit the USA law makers....

Seriously, ask anyone, are there too many laws on the books, or do we need more laws....

No one, wants more government control and more laws restricting their personal freedoms...... right?

So, like I always say: "Gridlock in Government is a good thing"

Just say no to more laws, rules, limitations, and with less freedoms....

The House writting laws.... The Senate passing laws.... the President rejecting those new laws....

It'll be grand....

Not from around here, huh?

They can Impeach this President, now, and threaten that for cooperation.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Not from around here, huh?

They can Impeach this President, now, and threaten that for cooperation.

I would impeach him for siding with the enemy when he buddied up with the GITMO five he let go. In my book that would be another boot in the ass.


Well-Known Member
Some sites saying Pubs gain 8 senate seats and a similar number in the house.

Over 25 Governors too.

I hope the Dems lubed up early.
4 Governors.

Governers are natually staggered unlike the Senate is staggered by law so that only 1/3 are up for election at any one time. So all Governors were not up for election this time, certainly not 1/2 of them.
  • Two states hold their gubernatorial elections every even numbered year. Recent years are 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012.
New Hampshire and Vermont
The other 48 states hold gubernatorial elections every four years.

  • Thirty-four states and three territories hold their gubernatorial elections in even numbered years which are not divisible by four (i.e. concurrent with congressional, but not presidential elections). Recent years are 2002, 2006, and 2010.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin, Wyoming and Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and the Virgin Island.
  • Nine states and two territories hold their gubernatorial elections in years divisible by four (i.e. concurrent with presidential elections, although Puerto Rico does not have an election for President). Recent years are 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012.
Delaware, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and American Samoa, Puerto Rico.
  • Three states hold their gubernatorial elections in the year before a year divisible by four. Recent years are 2003, 2007, and 2011.
Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi
  • Two states hold their gubernatorial elections in the year following a year divisible by four. Recent years are 2005, 2009, and 2013.
New Jersey and Virginia


Well-Known Member
4 Governors.

Governers are natually staggered unlike the Senate is staggered by law so that only 1/3 are up for election at any one time. So all Governors were not up for election this time, certainly not 1/2 of them.
  • Two states hold their gubernatorial elections every even numbered year. Recent years are 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012.
New Hampshire and Vermont
The other 48 states hold gubernatorial elections every four years.

  • Thirty-four states and three territories hold their gubernatorial elections in even numbered years which are not divisible by four (i.e. concurrent with congressional, but not presidential elections). Recent years are 2002, 2006, and 2010.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin, Wyoming and Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and the Virgin Island.
  • Nine states and two territories hold their gubernatorial elections in years divisible by four (i.e. concurrent with presidential elections, although Puerto Rico does not have an election for President). Recent years are 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012.
Delaware, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and American Samoa, Puerto Rico.
  • Three states hold their gubernatorial elections in the year before a year divisible by four. Recent years are 2003, 2007, and 2011.
Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi
  • Two states hold their gubernatorial elections in the year following a year divisible by four. Recent years are 2005, 2009, and 2013.
New Jersey and Virginia
I believe it's based on what they had yesterday versus what they have today ;)


Well-Known Member

I would impeach him for siding with the enemy when he buddied up with the GITMO five he let go. In my book that would be another boot in the ass.
He can be impeached over Benghazi and the IRS, and who knows what else.

I am thinking the VAST silence from the Dems on the Investigations may mean they have the goods the Administration. And if they do, the Powerful Dems in the Senate may decide that Biden is Better.

This is said to be the largest GOP majority since WW2. Is that right?

The thing is the PUBs are serious fuck ups also.
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Well-Known Member
Just a contest to see who can screw things up the worst.
Although it is funny, according to most of the posters in this forum, Republicans were done.
Who would ever vote for a PUB again? Well, you see. The people who believed Obama was different has had the wool removed from their eyes. Dems are no different. They are out for one thing, themselves.


Well-Known Member
Just a contest to see who can screw things up the worst.
Although it is funny, according to most of the posters in this forum, Republicans were done.
Who would ever vote for a PUB again? Well, you see. The people who believed Obama was different has had the wool removed from their eyes. Dems are no different. They are out for one thing, themselves.
i'm still 100% behind the president..what was that quote about walking in someone else's shoes?


Well-Known Member
Just a contest to see who can screw things up the worst.
Although it is funny, according to most of the posters in this forum, Republicans were done.
Who would ever vote for a PUB again? Well, you see. The people who believed Obama was different has had the wool removed from their eyes. Dems are no different. They are out for one thing, themselves.
Wrong phrasing but I know what you mean.

The contest is about screw up. Who do WE the Peeps think will screw up LESS? And of course, WE are often wrong and just have to live with that for 2 years.


Well-Known Member
it was midterms..and i'm blown away that florida came in with 58% out of the 60% required to pass 1st time on the ballot.

sheldon addelson will burn in hell

it will be his prostate and very painful.



Well-Known Member
Democrats have been distancing themselves from Obama and his policies for the past year or so in attempts to maintain their supporters.

I mean, just a year ago or so the republicans shut down the government- everyone hated them for that move and the dems had plenty of ammo. Only a year later now all of obamas fuck ups overshadowed everything.

Obama should NEVER have opened his fat mouth and made his comment that he wasn't on the ballot this year but his policies were.... Scared the public and the dems running were squirming to remove the thought that they were running on obamas principles. People have had enough of obamas uncertainty and fly with the wind/upset no one politics. People want strong decision making and unwavering stances now.

Even the millennials that loved Obama for his hope campaign and opportunity pledges when he was re elected in 2012 now are walking around realizing they can't get a job.

Americans don't like states of flux and regardless of what statistics are posted, our economy isn't doing great. People wouldn't be fighting for higher minimum wage if they were comfortable.

Anyway, I have to get back to work!