Did my plant go hermie or somethin? HELP!


Active Member
Ok so I have 2 girls that look like this at the tops... I was growing indoors for about 8 weeks. Got evicted from my place :( and moved them outside. One I planted in ground and the other (this one) is in a.pot still. Well I put them on 12/12 to sex them for a week and then moved them outside. They didn't grow the first week but now they're growing these rounded leaves near the top and it really erratic.not sure if im ok or what's going on. Help!



Active Member
Only way to tell if it harmed will be to locate male flowers. Your issue may be due to putting them backintoa veg state( slowed them dOwn) and climate change. Totally different climate from inside to out.


Active Member
yo do get all sorts of mutated growth from reveging alright, i took some clones from a flowering plant an revegged them an they look all types of crazy till i topped um looked normal then and are budding now! so if they are reveging they will be fine again when they gets 12/12 light again i think


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I had one outdoors this year that went into flowering very early due to a 2 week span of storms every night throwing off the light schedule. It then went back into veg and it's growing all sorts of weird. But I agree the moving and the climate change, they are probably stressed, and if it's hot out they might be in sleep mode.
chronic is a weed stumulant mutant species. they tend to mutate after a few harvests. its best to kill the plants before they become a threat.


Well-Known Member
yo do get all sorts of mutated growth from reveging alright, i took some clones from a flowering plant an revegged them an they look all types of crazy till i topped um looked normal then and are budding now! so if they are reveging they will be fine again when they gets 12/12 light again i think
yea when the days get shorter itll be alright


Active Member
Sweet. Thanks alot guys! So would you say I would be ok to try to supercrop the smaller one?


Active Member
Just figured i'd give everyone a lil update... Found this huge-ass pot on the side of the road the other day and moved my biggest girl into it. She was looking a little sickly and i quickly saw why when i took her outa her pot. Roots everywhere and nowhere else for them to go! Plus a little mold buildup near the bottom of the pot. Anyways as you can the transplant went well! I also took a clone from her right before i moved her into her new home. Cant wait to see her take off again! 2011-08-23_11-18-06_321.jpg2011-08-24_18-35-08_521.jpg