Did I Mess up


Ok so I started my grow on the Cambodian mushrooms. We did Everything right, we put them in 1/2 pint jars they colonized fairly quickly at least the outside. I told him to wait 2 weeks after the outside was fully colonized , He did not wait and went ahead and took them out of the jars after 5 days, they have not grown since. and its been about a month. So is there anyway to make them grow or is this because we took them out of the jars to early?

thanks to all that helP?


Undercover Mod
growing mushrooms is something you cant cut corners with, dont worry about taking them out of the jars you can do it whenever they are fully colonized.


Active Member
When the cakes dry out and feel dead to the touch, they are dead. Living mycelium feels and smells alive. If you think they are still alive, just try to make them happy. Happy for a brf cake means 99% humidity and just a little fresh air a light. If you think they are alive but they have not been kept humid enough, try dunking them in water for 12 or 24 hours to see if you can bring them back.

Good luck.


Yes we did The perlite was completely soaked in it and we spray the walls everyday, I need to get a humidifier and I did it with a friend and we were really detailed and wrote down everystep we need to take before we even got the spores. SO i know i did everything right exept for that. My friend says they are getting a bit fluffier which i really dont know what that means but i havent seen anything pin yet so idk


Well-Known Member
Each strain has different pin trigger characteristics.
If you think it is still alive, and hydrated, then you either wait or attempt to trigger via cold shock.