did i kill'em?

if u mean the strain, those were green-o-matic, super critical, purple cheese and tutankamun. 5 of each, purple were 6.

oh and sry, if i do ask newbie questions. this is my first ever grow and I am on my own. All I have is internet, but i am like reading and learning 5 to 6 hours a day.

My entry point was growweedeasy.com which is quite comprenhensiv, i think, but there are so many variables.

was my temp too low or not enough water?
should i throw them a way or give them another day or two?

any help is really apreciated,

thanks guys
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Well-Known Member
I can't see much detail. A zoomed in pic of one and better description of what you did would help. At first glance, it looks like you may have had too much light/heat on them and fried the cots. But hard to tell.
I can't see much detail. A zoomed in pic of one and better description of what you did would help. At first glance, it looks like you may have had too much light/heat on them and fried the cots. But hard to tell.

well light shouldn't be a problem as I have just a normal household light bulb over them and the tent was @ 70 - 75°.
a senile fungus, did say that it looks like over watering and drowing them, and I did spray a lot of water on the dome, because I was scared that they would dry. The jelly perlettes are also very wet :( I took the dome off now and have a temp of 78 in my tent hoping to dry off a little, so they have a little chance to survive

I have a bad cam, but here is a close up. Hope you can see something.

WIN_20150103_150312.JPG WIN_20150103_150324.JPG

I have moved the thread to here:


Well-Known Member
you don't need a dome for seedlings, maybe fresh clone cuttings but not seedlings they like the fresh air and some breeze imo


Well-Known Member
What sort of light. I'm guessing you need more light. I think they will be ok. let them dry out a little